3RD REMEMBRANCE: Mr. Moses Dauiyegha, Family Pen Glowing Tribute to Late Golden Mother, Mrs Tobouzeigbeye Agbadagiri

updated 22 Jan, 2024

The 22nd day in January, beginning from the year 2021, has become an unforgettable day and experience on the sad event of the departure from our lives our golden mother, LATE MRS TOBOUZEIGBEYE AGBADAGIRI Nee YOWU DEMEBI, a woman whose existence while here on Earth, like a potter, helped shaped our lives.

Dear mother, today (Monday, January 22, 2024) makes it exactly three (3) years since you left us. If it were within your powers you wouldn't have left but would've rather stayed with us, if not for anything else, but to enjoy the fruits of your labour in the lives of your children.

To say that we miss you is an understatement. Words alone cannot express fully the void that has remained unfilled. Indeed no one can fill that void because your role as a mother in our lives was too special.

Everyday in our lives, daily events that play out brings to our memories your essence. For one, going with friends and their children on visits to their mothers is one of such activities that remind us of you, our golden mother. Seeing how mothers give godly counsel to such friends and their children immediately springs to mind your image.

Our dear mother, wherever your soul is, it is our prayers that you continue to rest in grand peace. We believe you are with your Creator who knows best what is good for you and for us your children.

On our part, we will try to live up to the expectations you have of us. The virtues you instilled in us through your counsel and discipline while you were here with us will never be lost or be in vain. We will strive to make you proud by the special grace of the Almighty God.

We miss you more than words can express and we love you too beyond the expression of words. Continue to rest peacefully until the trumpet sound on Resurrection Day when we will once again be reunited forever.

Fondly remembered this day and always on behalf of the children by: MR COUSIN MOSES DAUIYEGHA.

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