LUXURY TO THE GRAVE: Here is the Most Expensive Casket Ever Made

Did you know that the most expensive coffin in the world, the Malaysian 14-Karat Gold Coffin, costs more than $200,000, and is made entirely of gold?
Some people will go all the way and take luxury to the grave. Class is permanent even in death. You may wonder why someone should bother about how he or she is buried, afterall you won’t know what’s happening. But from all indications, matters of class do not respect death.
In fact, some maniacs believe that life is more blissful in death so while they’re alive they make arrangements for unbelievably expensive caskets to celebrate their death day. That is why a coffin can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars and people still buy them to bury their dead while some others buy it while alive to ensure they will have a classy route to eternity.
The Malaysian 14-Karat Gold Coffin is the most expensive coffin in the world. It costs $217,000. It is made entirely of 14-karat gold, unlike other expensive coffins that have some parts made of gold while other parts are not.
The interior decoration and quality of bedding gives an unbelievable comfort to the body creating the most amazing atmosphere for the soul to be glad even in death.
The exquisite coffin simply called “Malaysian 14-karat gold coffin” has also been featured at a coffin exhibition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Malaysian 14-karat gold is the most expensive stand-alone or physical casket. It is one coffin some celebrities choose as their final resting place.
Source: Wakkinews
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