About Us

PENGlobal Associates Limited

Who We Are

PENGlobal Associates Limited (known simply as PENGlobal) is a creative writing, publishing and educational platform.

Our business is the content creation and the promotion of both business and social brands to a community of online and offline audience worldwide through series of articles that are written to inform, to entertain, and to boost brand awareness.

We believe that “Knowledge is Power” and that an informed and enlightened people are an empowered people that are more poised to build a prosperous community and nation, for the good of all.

Who We Promote?

When you want more awareness for your business and social brands, then turn to PENGlobal for the ideal brand and story.

We promote all kinds of Business brand activities such as: product unveiling, meetings, seminars, symposiums, workshops, awards, project inspection, trade fair, etc. We also develop and publish business profile, magazines, handbooks, almanacs, etc. as well as branding services.

We promote all kinds of social brand activities (indoor and outdoor) such as birthdays, child naming, child dedication, launch, housewarming, graduation, thanksgiving, anniversaries, carnival, festival, funeral, marriages / weddings, competitions, etc.

We are also content creators, helping our business and social clients to craft different kinds of speeches for public presentation or publication, proposals, and other professional use etc.

We Tell Your Stories and More...

When you need to project your business and social brands in a unique and captivating way to a local and global audience in a bid to create brand awareness, then, with PENGlobal, you are in safe hands. We can help you to capture and promote your brand story to the world in an exciting, alluring, captivating and entertaining way that create a lasting impression on readers.

Why PENGlobal is different

When you need beneficial and reliable information that would add to your wealth of knowledge, then you can turn to PENGlobal to get informed. You will indeed find our series of featured articles on our platform rich, educative, delightful, and interesting for your reading pleasure. On our platform, you are not only being informed or enlightened; you are also being empowered and entertained. Remember, knowledge is power!

What Else Do We Do?

At PENGlobal, we believe that human resources are the most important resource of all. And so, we aim to build, develop and promote talents in various fields or discipline be it in the areas of education, entertainment, sports, and otherwise; as well as create platforms to showcase skills / talents. We organise programmes directed at discovering and empowering talents, and creating awareness on their developments for the general good of the society.

Interested in Partnership?

PENGlobal is open to partners that are willing to key into and support her vision and mission towards building a formidable platform. You can be an active partner if you have what it takes to work with us, or you can partner as a sponsor of our operational programmes and series of other projects. Moreover, you can be an investor with a stake in our entity.

PENGlobal Statements

PENGlobal's PURPOSE is "to inform, to enlighten, and to empower a global community of people with the information required for their business and social prosperity."

PENGlobal's VISION is “to be a top-rated global brand that a community of people will turn to for their business and social empowerment.”

PENGlobal's MISSION is in “informing, enlightening, and empowering a global community of people across business and social levels for their benefits and upliftment.”

PENGlobal's CORE VALUES are embedded in the following statements, referred to as 'The PENGlobal's Wheel', as presented below:

  1. OBJECTIVITY - We try as much as possible to present in our articles, unbiased opinions to public issues, so as to build confidence in our readers and followers.
  2. INTEGRITY - We imbibe truthfulness, honesty, objectivity, and other strong moral principles when carrying out our mandates, so as to keep intact a positive reputation that comes only with good practices.
  3. LOYALTY - We pledge loyalty to the truth and not to any section of body, group of persons, or individuals, because we owe the public a fiduciary duty to present them genuine (not unbiased) information for the betterment of the larger society.
  4. CREATIVITY - We are determined to generate articles and other write-ups on our platform in a captivating way that will not only earn our readers' loyalty, but will also help us to build a large followership base.
  5. HARD WORK - We believe that "nothing good comes easy" and that if we must get the best and remain the best, we must be willing to go the extra mile in order to set us apart from our competitors and to build a formidable platform that is unique in every way.