REMEMBRANCE: Rest On Our Dear Father, Late Elder Dr. Abel Uttoh

09 Apr, 2024

Today (April 9, 2024) makes it a year since your departure on that fateful Easter Day in 2023. However, despite a year today, it seems just like yesterday that you left us in a journey you have never returned from.

While we mark your first year remembrance, we however fondly remember you everyday, especially when our bodies aches from the pains of everyday hustle and bustle. Who will massage our bodies to put us back in healthy shape?

We do remember your comic nature too, even when performing your naturally gifted job as a masseur. When such memories come to mind, we couldn't help but laugh out loud. Sadly, the reality of your absence drills our joy away, leaving our mood stark naked.

Yet, we know that you desire happiness for us, a state of joy that you wouldn't want even your death to cheat us from experiencing. This you demonstrated while being alive with your moral, financial, spiritual and medical support ensuring our challenges are solved in the meantime, even when you had yours you haven't attended to.

Papa, we miss you and we will always do until we see you again. Wherever your spirit may be, we pray to the Almighty God that you rest peacefully as that should be your portion as a responsible father and a good man.

We love you but God loves you most. Rest on until we meet to part no more.

For the Children

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