LATE CAPT WINFRED ONDO ITIMA: The Itima Family Note of Appreciation

updated 08 Apr, 2024

To the glory of the Almighty God, we, the Itima family, send our notes of appreciation on the success of the burial of our loving golden father, grandfather, brother, son, Late Capt Winfred Ondo Itima, whose Service of Songs and final burial rites held on Wednesday, April 3rd at his residence in Warri and on Friday, April 5th in Pepe-ama community in Gbaramatu Kingdom, respectively, and for the support we received before, during and even after the ceremonies.

First, we acknowledge the mercies and the love of the Almighty God (with whom our dear loving father has gone to be with in His ecclesiastical realm) and also for His grace and the strength He gave us to perform our duties as regards giving our late golden father a befitting burial. Above all, we are grateful for His protection as all who attended returned home safely.

We are grateful to all those within and outside Gbaramatu Kingdom who assisted us towards the success of the burial of our loving father. We couldn't have done it without your financial, moral, and physical supports which all went a long way to ease some of our burdens. We lack the right words to really express our gratitude other than to say THANK YOU.

We are also grateful to the countless guests, social and business groups who made out time from their busy schedules to give us their companies (presence) during the ceremonies held in honour of our loving father. Your presence was a strength we leaned on and we say THANK YOU for being there for us.

To the members and ministers of the Word of Salvation Bible Life Ministry Inc. under the spiritual headship of Apst. & Rev. (Mrs.) Newman Bebenimibo, we say a big THANK YOU for your graceful presence. May the Almighty God bless you all for your prayers and other supports.

Lastly, our golden THANK YOU note goes to the family of Fafa Quarters and other community members of Pepe-ama for the unity and support. We salute your zeal for a peaceful atmosphere and the show of love to our late golden father. We are indeed really grateful.

As many others we couldn't mention but who played significant roles during the ceremonies, we say THANK YOU. To the media teams, the musician, the pall bearers, the caterers, the ushers, and many more, we say God bless you all.

It is our solemn prayers that when we meet again it shall be for celebration and not for tears in Jesus name, Amen.


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