FUNERAL: Families, Friends Bid Farewell to Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin

updated 10 Mar, 2024

Families, friends and other sympathisers on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at Oporoza Community in Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, bid the late father, grandfather and great grandfather, Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin, final farewell as his remains were committed to Mother Earth after a social wake-keep ceremony on Friday, March 8.

Earlier, the remains of the Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin was conveyed from the Ame Specialist Hospital mortuary in Warri to Miller waterside near the Nigeria Ports Authority in early Friday evening, and then to Oporoza community, the venue of the funeral rites.

At the age of 102 years, the Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin, who joined his ancestors on the 30th day of September 2023 after a brief illness, could be said to have lived a long life. However, his descendants and sympathisers had wished he still had more years to live. Afterall, Methuselah lived almost a thousand years.

The Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin, a native of Gbaramatu Kingdom, hails from Ebiabu Quarters in Kokodiagbene community, Kenbai Quarters in Oporoza community, and Elei Quarters in Okerenkoko community. At the time of his passage, he is survived by three wives, 13 children, 29 grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

Among the series of activities planned by the family in giving the Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin a befitting burial rites during the wake-keep include traditional dance performance. Also, for musical entertainment, Prince Smally and his Izon musical band thrilled guests in attendance at the social wake-keep with melodious tunes aimed at supercharging the atmosphere with joy amidst the sorrowful mood of family members. Earlier, as tradition demands with the Ijaws of Gbaramatu Kingdom, those in attendance were informed in a brief narration on the circumstances of the death of the deceased.

In the early hours of Saturday after the social wake-keep ceremony, the remains of the Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin was interred amidst tears from families and sympathisers who had gathered to pay their last respect. Like many before him, what is now left of the Late Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin are memories harboured in the hearts of his descendants and those who knew him during his lifetime.

Recalling fond memories of his father, one of the sons, Hon. Emmanuel Juwegha, a councilor representing Oporoza Ward in the legislative arm of Warri South-West LG Council, described his late father as a peaceful nice man who value education and ensured his wards became educated.

In his words: "My father is a peace loving person and also has a flair for education. Because of his quest for education he took us and enrolled us in school. He is a calm and educated person at his own time. Among his contemporary he was kown as a well educated man a he's a man that will always stand out for his own.

"Even in his old age in Oporoza community where he lived till his demise, they know him as someone that, when he gives you his word, he stands by it. He always try to see that people around him are okay and happy. As such he always play active roles in community affairs even in burials and other activities he could stay all night long without blinking his eyes. Basically he was a nice man, peaceful man. And I thank God that he could live up to the age God called him."

Though many have less hope of ever seeing Pa. Peter Esinwerefe Erin again (unless in photos), however, the assurance of the Creator in the Bible book of Revelation 21:4 assures us all that: "He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away" and in Isaiah 25:8 which proclaims: "He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people He will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken."

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