BIRTH ANNIVERSARY: A Mega Congratulation to Rev. Benson German

31 Oct, 2023

We at PENGlobal join well-wishers in Gbaramatu Kingdom and around the globe, as well as members of the Church of God Mission International Inc., Kurutie District Headquarters (Overcomers Centre, Gbaramatu Province) to offer our Mega Congratulations to REV. BENSON GERMAN, the district presbyter, on the occasion of his Birthday.

Reverend Sir, we wish you all the best that life has to give and we offer prayers of long life lived in prosperity, peace and joy according to the Will of God for you. We also pray for His divine strength and wisdom backed up with the Holy Spirit to usher unto you grace to do greater exploits in the battle to win more souls for His Kingdom.

Once again, a Mega Congratulations and Happy Birthday to you.

CEO/Brand Director, PAL


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