ANNIVERSARY: "As God Decreed, So We Agreed" — Samuel and Elizabeth, a Classical Tale of the Power of Love

22 Aug, 2023

SOMEWHERE, it is written: "God is Love." If so, it is also true to say: "Love is God." And it is no wonder then, among all the forces existing on planet Earth, that none is as powerful as or greater than 'Love'. Yet, the world as we have it today has refused to yield to the power of Love, choosing the contrary instead. Even religion as it exist today is starved of Love as evidenced by the acts of hatred, segregation, and condemnation that have continued to trail the human race.

And it is indeed the 'Power of Love' in manifestation for Mr. Samuel who is from the family of Late High Chief Thomas Osen Ekpemupolo of Okerenkoko Federated Community, Gbaramatu Kingdom in Warri South West Local Government Area, and for Miss Elizabeth who is from the family of Late Mr. Sylvanus Tonghan of Okoloba Community in Bomadi Local Government Area, both of Delta state. The two love birds are set to officially become Mr. and Mrs., husband and wife, come Friday 28 August 2020 in an event that is billed to hold in Rooney Hall at the KFT Place, along NNPC Housing Complex Road, Ekpan, Delta state by 10:00a.m.

"We met each other on Facebook," said Samuel as he played back their history book in a chat with PENGlobal Social. "We were casual friends for more than a year. Meeting her for the first time, she is this person I like; I liked her personality in that she is humble, hard working and she was a determined lady. That were some of the characteristics that drew me closer to her," he admitted.

Elizabeth admitted same. "He sent me a request on Facebook and we became friends and started talking." And then she added, "I think they [ladies] should take advantage of the social media space as well too because the media has given several people a lifetime opportunity. At least I have got a husband from social media – Facebook," she let out a giggle.

But their relationship wasn't that simple and easy in the making. For Elizabeth, the thought of going out with Samuel, or even nursing the thought to become his lovely wife was never her dream.

"My relationship with Samuel is first of all, a challenging one," said Elizabeth amidst smiles. “It is one that people did not see coming. People got to call me to ask: ‘Is it Samuel you are getting married to? How did this happen? How did you do it?’ When we first met, I didn’t realized how much Samuel meant to me because he was someone I liked naturally but not in the direction of being in a relationship with him, let alone seeing him as my life time partner,” she admitted.

But what was so challenging for Elizabeth concerning her relationship with the young man whom she is now set to tie the nuptial cord?

"Samuel is someone I like a lot. I use to call him my traditional somebody," Elizabeth said amidst laughter. "I admire the fact that he has a vast knowledge of the Ijaw traditional religion. People use to call him the 'Historian of Ijaw Culture'. He is a traditionalist and I grew up in a Christian family, and so our relationship was really challenging," she confessed.

But what made the difference in their relationship? What happened that brought them this far to the point that the divide of religion seems obliterated?

Elizabeth went on to explain. "I think one thing that has been leading us so far is LOVE and RESPECT. Samuel loves me, I love him; he respects me, I respect him as well. He respects my religion and my beliefs and I respect his as well. So I think the relationship with him will really go well because there is room for improvement and he will improve too because he wants this marriage to work," she admitted as both of them smiled back at each other.

And what did Samuel have to say on Elizabeth's earlier perception about him?

The young man simply smiled back and before he could respond I dabbled in and said it seemed from the confession of Elizabeth that his belief system has sort of made his personality alien and forbidden (to which we all burst into laughter).

"Well, as it concerns the African Traditional Religion (ATR), people tend to be judgmental," Samuel chipped in. "They see us as evil people; this belief cuts across families and friends too. So you, associating yourself with that nature, people would tend to mock you. And rumour has been flying around that Samuel is this, Samuel is that. You know, at a point in time, I was a media crusader trying to promote the ATR, so a lot of news were attached to me.

"For somebody to have made up her mind to want to bear this name (because you associating with me means you are ready to bear this name as well) is a show of love. She has been with me and has seen my life. I am a very simple person but people from afar are seeing a different thing, some even said I am a diabolical person. She has been with me and she has not seen anything diabolical in me. Despite the fact that I belong to a religion I am not a religious person. I believe nature had to take its course," he concluded.

Elizabeth chipped in, "The fact is that we will be husband and wife in a few days time by the grace of God. Of course, we have been managing ourselves since we were dating, so I don’t see why and there is reason for us to improve, me personally."

As I looked at the written Toast of these two love birds in the invitation card earlier sent, I had to ask what led to their conviction of getting married now? But for Samuel and Elizabeth, it was just a matter of "God decreed, so we agreed."

"A lot of things have happened in the past," Elizabeth began, "we had issues, we had quarrels you know. At some point I had to even leave him. I had to even think of choosing someone else instead of him. I just wanted to please other people instead of satisfying my conscience, although I know I loved him. What would people think or say if they realize its Samuel I’m going out with? I just wanted to belong to the crowd because of the status of where I was then. But Samuel really means a lot to me. At some point I had to sit myself down and advise myself.

"That aside, earlier this year, January, I had a major surgery. And Samuel had really proven to be the right man. He stood by me; I’m not even talking of paying hospital bills but I saw this man trying his best to make me a better person every day. We have our misunderstanding, fine, but I see him trying his best to make me a better person.

"I had offended him and he has offended me too. I had hurt him so deeply too. And he still said 'No', he still held my hands and told me that I am the one he wants, I am his choice. That if I am ready for him, he is ready for me. I have never had anyone told me that.

"You know, loving someone is really not about the person telling you 'I love you' but they proving it. And Samuel has proven beyond every reasonable doubt that he truly loves me. And several times he has come through for me to believe that he is the one for me. So I think it is a decree from God so we agreed," she convincingly stated.

"I didn’t see this coming," Samuel blurted out. "That is where the toast comes in: as God decreed, so we agreed. It is very hard for somebody to accept you for who you truly are. She is a very jovial person and she has got friends and being a one-time Queen of Izon-Ebi and Queen Africa World, so the public eyes are on her.

"I didn’t really believe that she was going to accept me for who I am, and I didn’t pretend or deceive her. Before we became friends, she knew what I do. I am a traditional person; I don’t hide it from any person. I didn’t see her accepting me but I had to try my luck. She is from the Christian religion and I am from the ATR. But right now, look at us. It is love. When both the head and the heart agree, it is definitely a goal," Samuel said philosophically as they both nodded to this affirmation.

And what has Elizabeth learned from this affair that she has to share with fellow ladies out there?

Smiling sheepishly, she said, "My advice to ladies out there is that they should go for what they want instead of trying to please other people. There are a lot of people that are in a wrong relationship that their hearts are not there, just their bodies. And everyone should be humble as well. I am an ex-beauty queen but I know a lot of ex-beauty queens that are not yet married because of pride. They don’t want to step down from their high horse. So I think humility would go a long way for every single lady out there. They should be humble, regardless of status, regardless of where you have been to, regardless of your educational background or whatever.

"And again, religion should never define us because if I had allowed religion to define me, maybe I would have fell in the hands of the wrong one – maybe someone who is a woman beater or a person who will be cheating and bringing women to the house, or someone who will be married here to me in Delta state and married to, like, three other ladies in different states," she concluded.

What a journey, and no doubt you would well agree with me that it was an inspiring one. And again, “What is it about that Toast of theirs?” I said to myself as I reverberated the question in my mind. Looking at the inscription printed on the card, I read it out aloud: "When I first met you I never realized how much you will end up meaning so much to me. You are the answer to every prayer I've offered. As God decreed, so we agreed." It sank in. There it is!

On the issue of religion, it was curious to know that Samuel is a Biblical name. So too is his late father of blessed memory, Thomas. As I looked at the two-love birds chatting away, I knew that Love as a God had become too powerful in their lives for anything to stop them, not even their individual religion or belief. For anyone who has underrated or underestimated the Power of Love, here is a classical case that has proven that, if only we would allow Love to lead us, all of our challenges in life would be overcomed. What earlier seemed to be a wedge between Samuel and Elizabeth has now been cemented together by the Power of LOVE. Indeed no one can fight and defeat Love and I wish the world would experience this.

I could not help but say "Congratulations" to the lovely couple.

NOTE: First published August 26, 2020 on PENGlobal Facebook page

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