31ST MARRIAGE ANNIVERSARY: My Husband is my God on Earth — Mrs. Mary Ebike Mathias Amaye Zion

updated 24 Oct, 2023

For Mrs. Mary Ebike Mathias Amaye Zion, after 31 years in marriage (and still counting) she could still hear the echo of the words: "I love you and I will stand by you" from the man who first came into her life as a stranger, but with whom together they have both raised up children and have built a family.

Married to Apst. Mathias Amaye Zion, the present-day spiritual leader of the Ama-Ebimo Zion (Center of Excellence) in Kunukunuma Federated Community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, on 24th of October 1992, both couple were celebrated at their 31st marriage anniversary by members of their ministry and well wishers.

One of those who congratulated the couple, Aladura Baco Malemi, wrote: "You have no doubt demonstrated Ephesians 5:22–27 which says: 'Wives, submit to your own husbands... Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church...' and so, it is no wonder that you have both waxed stronger."

PENGlobal reached out to Mrs. Amaye to get her comments that could be helpful to other spouses. During the interactive session, she revealed that Jesus is the captain of her marriage and the reason for the success. She also admonished couples to sustain the love they first had when they got married, and that they should see themselves and their children as one, such that nothing should come between them.

"It is a thing of joy and I give God all the glory, for in Him springs forth the wisdom," she began in an appreciative tone. "I feel so happy seeing me and my beloved husband in good health, including my children," she added in response to how she feels on her 31st marriage anniversary.

Speaking further on the secret to her marriage success so far, while beaming with smiles plastered all over her face, she said: "The secret to my marriage is JESUS. From the very first day I met my husband, the very first words he spoke to me before I said 'Yes' to his proposal, they are still ringing in my ears. Come rain come sunshine I hold on to those words.

"The most important of it is don't keep secrets or hidden agenda. Every man and woman on earth, if you really want to enjoy your marriage, don't hold secret. Wherever you're going or whatever you have, or whenever your children did any wrong, don't keep anything from each other," she advised.

When asked to describe her husband, Apst. Mathias Amaye Zion, she blurted out in excitement. "O my God! That man is strange. I don't know but I see honesty, truth in him. I don't know how to describe him, but as my God on Earth. Like the way Abraham was to Sarah, that is how he is to me. According to the Word of God in Ephesians 5:22 that women should humble and give their husbands respect because their husbands is the head while Christ is the head of their husband. He is my God on Earth."

Lastly, in her appeal to women, particularly those in marriage, she counseled: "Anything you have, be content with it. Anything your husband gives to you, be content with it. And in all, put Jesus in your marriage before any other thing. Have trust in your husband and also stand on the word your husband told you the first day he met you before you got married. Even if it becomes a lie, turn it into truth in the way of Jesus," she echoed confidently.

In the PENGlobal WhatsApp group and in other online platforms where their congratulatory messages were shared on, goodwill messages kept pouring in from the online public. 31 years is worth celebrating, especially in this present day where the foundation of marriages are breaking down now and then in a short space of time. However, for Mrs. Ebike Amaye, been in the institution of marriage that many have come to describe as difficult, has instead been one of joy. And so, heeding her counsels will surely pay off if you ask me.


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