YEAR OF THE FIVE EMPERORS: A Battle of Succession and Wits

13 Feb, 2025

Did you know that the Year of the Five Emperors refers to AD 193 in which five men (Pertinax, Didius Julianus, Pescennius Niger, Clodius Albinus, and Septimius Severus) claimed the title of Roman emperor which led to a period of civil war?

The political unrest began with the murder of Emperor Commodus on New Year's Eve 192. Commodus' sanity began to unravel after the death of his close associate, Cleander, which triggered a series of summary executions of members of the aristocracy. He began removing himself from his identity as ruler ideologically by resuming his birth name instead of keeping the names that his father gave him when he succeeded to imperial rule.

Commodus behavior decayed further as he became more paranoid. He carried out a particularly large massacre in Rome during New Year's Eve AD 192, so that he could become the sole consul. Three nobles, Eclectus, Marcia, and Laetus, fearing that they would be targeted, had Commodus strangled before he could do so. 

The identity of the person who planned the murder of Commodus is still a debated topic. Some sources name Pertinax as the mastermind of the assassination because he obtained imperial rule once Commodus was killed. However, the accusations against Pertinax appear to have come from his enemies, an effort to damage his reputation; in reality, these accusers appear not to have known who masterminded the assassination.

The assassins named Pertinax the new Caesar but immediately aroused opposition in the Praetorian Guard when he attempted to initiate reforms. He gained his position by rising through the military ranks. He became proconsul of Africa, making him the first of several emperors who began their political careers in Africa. Since most of the nobles had been murdered in the New Year's Eve massacre, Pertinax was one of the few high-ranking officials left to become the new emperor. 

Pertinax faced early difficulties due to the empire's crumbling financial situation and accusations that he was complicit in the assassination of Commodus. He may also have been accused of the murder of Cleander, Commodus' associate, whose murder had triggered Commodus' paranoia.

Pertinax's discipline made a great contrast to Commodus, but he lost the favor of the Praetorian Guard when he refused to pay their donativum and began revoking their privileges under Commodus. When confronted by the Praetorians, he was unable to negotiate a peace and was killed. Following his death, the Praetorian Guard proceeded to auction off the Purple to the highest bidder. He had only been emperor for three months.

Didius Julianus, who purchased the title from the Praetorian Guard, succeeded Pertinax. He gained power as proconsul of Africa, succeeding Pertinax in that position. Julianus was not just given the position of emperor after Pertinax's death, he had competition in Pertinax's father-in-law, Sulpicianus, but Julianus outbid him by promising even higher pay for the Praetorian Guard. 

Julianus was widely suspected of Pertinax's murder. Two public figures used the public's fear to take advantage of this crisis: Pescennius Niger, governor of Syria, and Septimius Severus, who declared himself emperor twelve days after Pertinax's death. The anti-Julianus mobs called on Pescennius Niger for assistance, but Severus, in Pannonia, was closest to Rome. He reached the capital first with his troops and executed Julianus on 1 June, just two months after Pertinax, and made enemies of the other powerful nobles who aspired to the throne, Niger and Albinus.

Severus was declared Caesar by the Senate, but Pescennius Niger, who began 193 as the governor of Syria, was hostile so he declared himself emperor once the mobs started to clamor for him. With allies in the eastern part of the empire, he gathered an army and fought Severus throughout the empire for two years. He eventually lost the civil war during a battle near the city of Issus in 194.

Severus was, practically speaking, the emperor after Pertinax was assassinated. Some sources tie Severus and Pertinax together as allies, which would explain how Severus became so powerful during this chaotic year. He had originally thought to take the throne after Commodus' murder, but was forestalled when the assassins hastily named Pertinax emperor. Twelve days after the 28 March assassination of Pertinax, Severus made himself ruler with the Senate's backing. For the first few years of his reign, he was preoccupied with the civil war against Niger in the east, so he allied with Clodius Albinus despite their rivalry, granting Albinus the title of Caesar but not the real military power. 

Albinus came into contention for the imperial office in 193 when he was asked to become emperor after the death of Commodus, but rejected the proposition. He eventually gained the title of Caesar as a second to Severus, ruling the empire while Severus was on campaign against Niger. Albinus controlled Britain, and the agreement gave him Gaul and Spain. Some sources say that this agreement was fully under the control of Severus, who retained ultimate imperial power. Albinus continued as Caesar for three years before a civil war broke out between the two, resulting in Severus becoming sole emperor after the battle of Lugdunum in 197 in which Albinus was killed. 

Most historians count Severus and Albinus as two emperors, though they ruled simultaneously. After defeating both enemies, Severus purged their followers to consolidate his position as sole Caesar, founding the Severan dynasty.

SOURCE: Wikipedia | Image: Medium

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