TRIBUTE/CONDOLENCE: Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emma-imeleye Adetola

16 Jan, 2024

We at PENGlobal are saddened and shocked to hear the sad news of the sudden departure from planet Earth and from the family of the Foursquare Gospel Church Ekpan, the REV. (MRS.) EMMA-IMELEYE ADETOLA, wife of REV. EMMANUEL IMELEYE, District Overseer of Ekpan district headquarters.

Having crossed over from the year 2023, a year that witnessed the loss of countless identities, we had hoped the year 2024 would give a break to the breaking of such sad news. But alas we were jolted that she is no more.

The Late REV. (MRS.) EMMA-IMELEYE ADETOLA was a calm woman. I recalled how she called to inform me in excitement of her husband's attainment of Doctorate of Philosophy from the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. "Francis, please do something to celebrate Daddy," she had said.

Also, when my wife (Mrs. Happiness Abai) lost her dear father (my father in-law), she had called her directly to condole her on the loss, offering kind words of encouragement and assurances not to loose hope.

On my job, there were days she would call in to give bundles of encouragement and always urged that I keep the boat sailing. She also notified me of how she couldn't get notifications and I had to re-add her back on our WhatsApp group. As an intellectual and spirit-filled being, she valued knowledge, service to humanity and above all, to God.

REV. (MRS.) EMMA-IMELEYE ADETOLA, so you are no more a being walking the Earth, but have returned to that spiritual state of rest! It's still hard to believe this is real. But once again, reality stares us in the face with the undeniable truth which is that we are all FATED to DEATH. However, we are confident that in your service to God, death may appear a LOSS on Earth but in Heaven it is a GAIN.

We therefore in that solace condole with her husband, REV. EMMANUEL IMELEYE and the family. This is not an easy moment but we pray that the Almighty God grant them all as well as us the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.

Mama we will surely miss you. May your gentle soul sleep on peacefully in the Bosom of the Lord, Amen.

CEO/Brand Director, PAL

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