TRIBUTE: Chief Victoria Ukulor Eulogises Mother as Late Mrs. Ukulor Wolo Zipamone Jenny Makes Final Journey to Odimodi

14 Mar, 2024

It's been said that a mother's heart is the child's classroom. I thank God for all that my mom, MRS. UKULOR WOLO ZIPAMONE JENNY, taught me through the years. She is a portrait of a godly mother, and I'm proud to be her daughter.

I want to share a few things I learnt from my mother that have influenced me greatly. Mom taught me the importance of having a relationship with God. She told me, "My child, without God, you're nothing. Oh, you may run fast and do a lot of things, but He's everything you need. You're nothing without Him." There isn't anything more important for a mother to teach her children than to teach them how to have a relationship with God.

Mom taught me how to endure. I remember when I had invested in my new business and suffered major losses shortly after investing in November 2011. When it looked like it was over for me financially, I cried almost everyday after the incident happened. But one day as I sat behind our kitchen then, crying, and feeling hopeless, mama came and tapped me from behind and said I shouldn't cry, and that everything will be alright. She also said that "the beginning may be rough but better days lie ahead." She told me to never quit no matter what. Shortly after she left me there, I reflected on what she said and truly became encouraged to go ahead doing the business. Three months later after that incident, I made profit that was beyond my expectations from that same business. Growing up, we endured some hard times, but through my mom's example of endurance, I learnt to keep going even in the hard times.

I witnessed my mom constant devotion to and love for my dad. My mom never complained. Instead, she learned to endure the hard times. Everything in our lives today came from those small beginnings and by God's grace on us.

Mom taught me something else about endurance. She never magnified the sacrifice. She told me, "Don't magnify the sacrifice; only magnify God's grace." She would tell me, "Vick, it's not as bad as it looks. God is our source and sustainer, and if we endure, we will find victory on the other side of this black cloud."

Mom taught me to be faithful. I have tried to emulate her faithfulness the best way I know how. If I start anything, I strive to be faithful to complete it. If I give my word, I am faithful to keep it. Mom taught us to be faithful to our word and to be faithful to God and His Word. These are just a few things I have learned from my mom.

Thank you for the mother that you were. A great mother! A mother who guides and inspires. A mother who dedicated her time in helping others without any expectations.

You taught me about pride and humility.  You were the one with the wisdom and insight to decide what to do when the path was not clear.

You were a woman who did everything within her capacity to give her children tbe best. You were strong from the beginning to the end. You were very principal in your approach to things, this I took for wickedness until I grew up. Your heart was healthy towards both friends and foes. I believe you would have been a great political leader. A dutiful disciplinarian, you did not spare the rod. You lavishly and lovingly gave us a treat of the rod everytime we ran off track. For this I am grateful. You were indeed faithful to motherhood. You respected everything labeled GOD.

You never joked with your tithe. You never joked about your service in church. You never joked with your love for the saints. You said sorry when you had to. You said sorry unreservedly. You said sorry with a cheerful heart.

Mom taught me the difference between right and wrong, and taught me to make proper decisions. She also taught me about the God-kind-of-love—a love that has influenced my life immeasurably.

I am nearing the end of the page, but not even close to the end of my list of thank you's... I do want you to know that in my heart you are a beautiful, intelligent, and courageous woman.

As you pass, may the Lord go before you to guide you, beside you to counsel you, and behind you to protect you; and may your good soul rest in perfect peace! Goodbye MUMMY!

I love you forever.

Your Daughter

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