SUCCESS LITERACY: Now That You're in 2024, Here are 5 Steps You Need to Take Now!

02 Jan, 2024

Congratulations for making it to the New Year 2024. Now, after the congratulations what's next? Remember, congratulations are free, but success requires hard, diligent and smart work. Remember also that life is progressive. This year you will become plus one in age. Don't only increase by age, but add to your net worth (value) also. To start well means to end well.

So, let's get started with these five simple tips if you're to succeed in the New Year.

1. What are your GOALS? (break them into short term mini goals with a timeframe of accomplishing them—in other words, pin an achievable date to each of them)

2. How will you ACCOMPLISH these goals? (What resources—skills, money, others—will you need and how will you get them?)

3. What are the STRATEGIES or things you will need to do to ease their accomplishments? (Analyse each of them and choose the most productive strategy)

4. What OTHER PLAN(S) do you have to absorb unforeseen shocks? (Have a Plan B. Since no one is perfect you must be ready to quickly readjust your plans to economic and other fluctuations to avoid failure)

5. Lastly, how will you MEASURE your progress? (Imbibe the habit of always keeping and maintaining records to help you measure your performance)

So, don't wait for tomorrow. Start NOW! Wishing you all the best in this New Year. By His grace, I'll see you at the harvest in December 2024!

Happy New Year.

AUTHOR: Abai Francis | CEO/Brand Director, PAL


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