REMEMBRANCE: The Intriguing Historical Account of Late St Apst Elijah Brakoru Ubebe (1915–1991), Founder of New Jerusalem Zion and Other Affiliated Churches

22 Apr, 2024

Saint Apostle Elijah Brakoru Ubebe was born sometime in the year 1915 to Pa. and Mama Ubebe Etemewei in Oporoza town, the traditional headquarters of Gbaramatu Kingdom in the present day Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State. His father, Pa. Ubebe Etemewei hails from Tububiri quarters in Letugbene community, Bayelsa state and from Oporoza town in Gbaramatu Kingdom; while his mother, Mama Kolokolo Ijeale hails from Ekrorhen quarters, Otokutu in present day Ughelli South L.G.A of Delta State.

St. Apst. Ubebe, before his calling by the Almighty God, was a renowned business man who was basically into the clothing trade with several shops well stocked with the fabric product popularly known as wrappers, among other clothing. He was among the early traders in Gbaramatu Kingdom who had direct business link with Lagos state from where he ordered the stock of his trade.

Before his conversion to Christianity, St. Apst. Ubebe was also formerly known for his devotion to the worship of idols. But a turning point in his belief in idols came when he lost his beloved first daughter whom he believed the idol would have saved from death. That incident made him to stop the worship of idols.

After that incident, St. Apst. Ubebe lived an ordinary life until the Almighty God in His infinite mercies sent a missionary from Arun-Owun to preach to him the message of salvation, which he gladly received. He thereafter went to Arun with the missionary and lived there for a while, being tutored on his new found love for Christ.

When he came back from Arun-Owun, he started the Cherubim and Seraphim Church in Oporoza town, and men and women began to join him to worship God. Of note among them were his elder brother, Ikiyoubode Ubebe. While he was in the Oporoza Church, God told him that he was going to take him to a special land where he was going to worship Him solely.

On the 4th of May 1963, St. Apst. Ubebe received a call from the Almighty God to found the New Jerusalem Zion Church in a land space that was formerly known as Fou-Kirigha (evil forest where evil corpses were disposed). When the instruction came on the above date, he was given a scripture, Revelation 21:2, and he was given a vision of a city coming down from heaven and the Lord told him that is the city I am asking you to go and found. In it there will be no sickness, there will be no untimely death! when people with challenges come, they will receive answers. Behold, this is that city. Praise the Lord.

Among those that followed him were: Agefor Orubu (his wife) and her sister, Peneke. Among his children were Snr. Boan (Capt.) James Ubebe, Tuku Ubebe (late), Snr. Boan. Daniel Ubebe, Snr. Boan. Edward Ubebe, Prophet Joseph Ubebe, Mr. Solomon Ubebe and Victoria Oriofe Ubebe. Others were Akafawei and David Mamah, of blessed memories.

While in New Jerusalem Zion, his ministry was accompanied with great miracles, signs and wonders that drew people from communities like Azama, Benikrukru and others from all parts of Gbaramatu Kingdom and beyond. Different people with diverse sicknesses were brought from various communities, and they were all healed. Few among the list were Chief Wolo; about nine people of Opuede community who were seriously sick but were also healed, amongst others. Even barren women were prayed for and they conceived and gave birth. Such was the exploits of his ministry which has never happened in the history of Gbaramatu Kingdom before.

St. Apst. Ubebe's ministry was also characterized by missionary evangelism (missionary journey) which led to the establishment of many churches in different communities, clans and kingdoms in the Niger Delta and beyond. Popular among them are Opuede Church and Benikrukru Church, both in Gbaramatu Kingdom. Also among the list are: Sokebolou Church (Chief Ibilou, the then leader) under Burutu Local Government Area in Delta State. Others include Ogbotobo, Amatu, Letugbene, Bilabiri, Egwe-ama Churches (all in Bayelsa State). He also went as far as Cameroon for evangelistic work.

The various churches St. Apst. Ubebe founded were as a result of the wonders and the miracles in those areas. Some of these exploits that gave birth to various churches are well documented.

Beginning with the Ogbotobo church in Bayelsa State, as usual, St. Apst. Ubebe was on his missionary journey and while passing by Ogbotobo river, he was intercepted by the youths of Ogbotobo community. They held unto the belief that no one passes by the river while putting on an umbrella. St. Apst. Ubebe and his co-travelers pleaded and they were allowed to go to Letugbene, another community, on the advice of elders of Ogbotobo, since they were on a missionary journey and were not aware of the belief of the people.

Meanwhile, there was a certain aged man named Kopa who was very sick, up to the point of death in Ogbotobo community, without a cure to his illness. On hearing that certain missionaries came around to preach the gospel, Kopa and others followed after them up to Letugbene in order to be prayed for. When they arrived, the man of God (St. Apst Ubebe) prayed for him and he was healed instantly. Taken aback by the miracle, the community embraced the Word of God and St. Apst. Ubebe founded a church there, called Ogbotobo Zion Church, which is still in existence till date.

The church at Bilabiri (in Bayelsa) was birthed as a result of a man named 'Fuun' who was sick and was brought all the way from Bayelsa State to the New Jerusalem Zion, Gbaramatu Kingdom. He was prayed for by St. Apst. Ubebe and was instantly healed. On returning, the man requested that a church be founded in his community and so the servant of God went with him all the way to Bilabiri and founded the church named Bilabiri Zion which was put under the watch of Fuun', the man that he had healed. The church is now a big church and still making waves till date.

Also similar to the church St. Apst. Ubebe founded in Bilabiri Zion, a man named 'Igodi' was sick up to the point of death and was brought to St. Apst. Ubebe, the man of God, who prayed for him and he was healed. This led to the founding of the Amatu Zion Church which is still existing till date.

St. Apst. Ubebe during his life on Earth laboured vigorously for the Lord after his conviction in Christ Jesus and won many souls to his Saviour. By his passionate acts of seeing those that dwelt in darkness come to the light, he preached the gospel everywhere he set feet on, causing many to embrace the Truth (which he himself had earlier accepted after rejecting his ignorant beliefs in idols) and became free.

St. Apst. Ubebe finally slept in the Lord in the year 1991 on Monday, the 22nd day of April. His descendants are: Snr. Boan.(Capt.) Dr. James Ubebe, Snr. Boan. Daniel Ubebe, Snr. Boan. Edward Ubebe, Prophet Joseph Ubebe, Mr. Solomon Ubebe, Dcn. Hon. Vincent Tamara-ebi Ubebe, Apst. Mike Ubebe PhD, Mr. Arerepade Stephen Ubebe, Mr. Zacchaeus Ubebe, Mr. Raphael Ubebe, Tuku Ubebe (late), Mrs Victoria Oriofe Okoromadu, Mrs Ayo Oleke (late), Mrs. Ire Arisibi, Atoru-erefa Ubebe, Mrs Iranjo Uyadongha, Maureen Ubebe, and Ebimene Ubebe.

As the Holy Bible in the book of Psalm 112 verses 6b reads, "The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance". So, while today, the 22nd day of April 2024 makes it 33 years since our father passed on to eternal glory, he is ever in our hearts. His life is an inspiration to not just us (his children that are still alive) but to all who knew him as well as those who can still connect with his exploits through this historical account. Even through the above account, St. Apst. Ubebe is still evangelizing the Word of God to readers and it is our sincere prayers that, if you are not yet a born-again child of God, his story should impact in you and cause you to become a new creature, all to the glory of the Almighty God.

We surely miss our dear father, St. Apst. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe, but he has played his part and has gone home to rest. It is now left for us all to play ours, and more importantly, to make Heaven. May his gentle golden soul sleep on until Resurrection Day when we will meet once again to part more.

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