POPULATION: India Overtakes China As Most Populous Country in 2023

Image Credit: UN
18 Aug, 2023

Did you know that India is the most populous country in the world as of August 2023 with a staggering population of 1.42 billion people?

As of the latest available data from worldometer, India has emerged as the most populous country in the world, surpassing China. With a population of approximately 142.86 crore, India now exceeds China’s population by roughly 29,56311 lakh and become the most populous Country in the world.

India also has the world’s largest youth population, with over 908 million people under the age of 35. This represents 66% of India’s total population. In the 15-24 age group, India has the highest youth population in the world, with over 255 million people.

This large youth population presents both challenges and opportunities for India. On the one hand, it means that India has a large and growing workforce. This could be a major asset for the country’s economic development. On the other hand, it also means that India has to provide education, healthcare, and other services for a large number of young people. This can be a challenge, especially given India’s limited resources.

Here is the list of Top 10 Most Populous Country in the World according to rank, country, population and world share (%).

1 India 1,428,627,663 17.76%

2 China 1,425,671,352 17.72%

3 United States 339,996,563 4.23%

4 Indonesia 277,534,122  3.45%

5 Pakistan 240,485,658 2.99%

6 Nigeria 223,804,632  2.78%

7 Brazil 216,422,446  2.69%

8 Bangladesh 172,954,319  2.15%

9 Russia 144,444,359  1.80%

10 Mexico 128,455,567  1.60%

China’s population reached its peak size of 1.426 billion in 2022 and has started to fall. Projections indicate that the size of the Chinese population could drop below 1 billion before the end of the century. By contrast, India’s population is expected to continue growing for several decades. 

Source: Worldometer | adda247

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