OKERENKOKO UNSUNG HEROES: After 2 Centuries, OFC Honours Forebearers With Befitting Burial Rites

Natives of Okerenkoko Federated Community
12 Dec, 2023

The natives of Okerenkoko Federated Community (OFC) in Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, on Wednesday, December 6, 2023, held in the community a befitting final burial rite as a mark of respect and honour to some of their forebearers, who, according to folklore, were murdered in cold-blood centuries ago during a conflict but were yet to given a proper burial.

Earlier, the chairman of OFC, Hon. Shadrach Otuaro, who had in a public notice informed sons and daughters of OFC on the final burial rites, also hinted that these forebearers "fought [for the] liberation of our community from oppression century ago".

Among the identified forebearers who were tagged as "Okerenkoko Unsung Heroes" and that were laid to rest after a social all night ceremony in the community are listed as: Maware Agobougha Opuede Ekaye, Imoun Ikpolukpo, Ikiriki, and Apirakiri Okiri (the only woman amongst the men).

According to an elder and prominent chief in OFC, High Chief P. T. Heavens (JP), what the community observed was giving honour to whom it is due by recognising the victims who had made sacrifices in the past but were not given a befitting burial, an act that is considered a taboo.

And so the family members and the community at large deemed it fit that these forebearers that died in a crisis-era should be honoured and given a special recognition by conducting a befitting burial rites for them so as to avert curses on their descendants as well as the community at large.

While informations are sketchy as to the actual events that led to their deaths, it is however clear that as bonafide citizens of OFC, these forebearers whose current descendants make up their third generation, needed to be appeased by their lineage according to the traditional belief system of the people.

On ground to entertain natives of OFC during the all-night ceremony was Prince Smally Okpe and his Izon musical band, with family members of the forebearers keeping wake in adherence to the general practice of m African burial.

The place of giving a befitting or proper burial to a departed soul is one that is universal and has a spiritual undertone. Even the Bible book of Ecclesiastes 6:3 emphasized the importance of a proper burial when it reads: "A man may have a hundred children and live many years; yet no matter how long he lives, if he cannot enjoy his prosperity and does not receive proper burial, I say that a stillborn child is better off than he." Moreso, not receiving a proper burial was a matter of great shame (Isaiah 14:18-20; Jeremiah 16:4).

With the final burial rites concluded for their forebearers, the descendants expect a new lease of life to begin for them, esecially after they received prayers.

May the souls of the departed sleep on peacefully until the time of the great awakening.

#penglobalsocial #funeral 

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