OIL THEFT: Tantita's ED calls for investment in local infrastructure to meet energy demand

02 Jul, 2024

The Executive Director, Operations and Technical, Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited, TSSNL, Capt. Warredi Enisuoh, has said that in order to provide Nigerian content solutions to meet with energy demand, concerning infrastructure, the government “might need to focus more on the local communities”.

Capt. Enisuoh made the assertion while speaking as a panelist in a session titled "Exploring Nigerian Content Solutions to Meet Energy Demand" at the ongoing Nigeria Oil and Gas Energy Week Conference in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, on Monday, July 1, 2024.

According to the Tantita Executive Director, who alleged that oil companies patronise local communities for illegally refined Automotive Gas Oil, AGO, known popularly as diesel, stated that the reason why there is no scarcity of the product in the market when compared to Premium Motor Spirit, PMS, popularly called petrol, is because of local production of diesel from the communities where illegal refining takes place.

“Why is there no scarcity of diesel while there is scarcity of PMS? The story is simple, most of the diesel you buy is produced by the communities. About 90 per cent of the diesel in the fuel stations is produced by the communities.

"It will also interest you to know that even the oil companies patronise the local communities. Don’t let anybody deceive you, they also patronise the local communities,” Capt. Enisuoh declared.

The Tantita ED further added that if not for the clampdown on illegal operators by the security agencies including TSSNL, the production of diesel illegally would have continued to increase.

“The reason why the price of diesel is high today is because of the works of private security companies like my company Tantita Security Services Nigeria Limited. This is because we have been able to somehow cut down on a lot of the businesses of the illegal refineries. This is why you see the cost of diesel going up,” he stated.

Tantita, the private security firm that currently offers surveillance services to the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited, NNPCL, has been on the forefront in the war against oil theft in the country, with its efforts leading, at various times, to the arrest of vessels conveying illegal products, such as the recent Aya Oba Olori II tugboat which was laden with an unspecified quantity of suspected illegally refined AGO loaded from a barge at Onne dock on March 31, 2024, but arrested on Monday, April 1, 2024.

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