MR. & MRS. PREYE EKPOKEME: Thank You Note From The Malemi Family

updated 20 Dec, 2023

With gladness and fulfillment as parents, we, APST. & MRS. EMMANUEL MALEMI BENAKIYE, on behalf of our beautiful daughter, MRS. PREYE, and her beloved husband, MR. PREYE EKPOKEME, hereby tender our profound notes of appreciation in respect of their traditional marriage which held on Saturday, December 16, 2023, at Ogulagha Town in Ogulagha Kingdom, Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State.

First of all, we bless the name of the Almighty God who in His mercies did not only grant us favour for the smooth success of the marriage but also offered protection over all that attended the marriage ceremony. It was therefore a big relief on us to know that guests arrived and returned home safely.

Secondly we appreciate all of guests comprising of friends and other well wishers who came from Warri and environs, as well as those from Ayakoromo and Ogulagha, for giving us their valuable time, expended financial and other resources to avail us with their presence. We are indeed grateful to you all for honouring us and the couple by joining to celebrate love.

Thirdly, to the spiritual leadership and to the members of the Shammah Divine Ministry in Warri, we say THANK YOU for your support especially your prayers and for the warm reception.

Lastly, to the Malemi and the Ekpokeme families we also salute you all for your untiring efforts, cooperation and contributions toward the success of the marriage of our children.

It is our sincere prayers that we will all gather for more celebrations and that the Almighty God who sees your sacrifices shall surely bless you all for your roles toward the success of the marriage. Once again we say THANK YOU.


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