LAUREN WASSER: The Girl With the Golden Leg. How a Tampon Almost ‘Ruined’ the Life of the Fashion Model

11 Jul, 2023

Did you know that Lauren Wasser, known as the 'Girl with the Golden Legs' after she was given two prosthetic golden legs, lost both of her legs due to toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a rare disease caused by infection?

Lauren Wasser was born to two modeling parents, Pamela Cook and Robert Wasserburger and grew up in the midst of models. She secured her first modeling gig as a 2 months' old baby alongside her mother in Italian vogue.

Wasser had the world at her fingertips, but all these changed when a normal day in her life turned to her worst nightmare. To be precise, 24 year-old-model Wasser’s life changed in October 2012. It was a normal day in her life, she was on her period when she started having flu-like symptoms, feeling nauseous with severe headaches.

She stripped off and lay down in her apartment and that was the last thing she could remember. The police later found her facedown in her apartment; she was literally 10 minutes from death as she was rushed to the St. John’s hospital where she suffered two heart attacks, had fever of 47 degrees, kidneys and her organs were all failing. The doctors had no clue of what was happening to her and she was given a one percent chance of survival.

As doctors were still investigating why a seemingly healthy 24 year-old model’s organ was shutting down, they found the tampon she had on, sent it to the lab and that was where the cause was found. The Tampon came back positive for TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME (TSS). 

TSS is caused by an excess of staphylococcus aureus bacteria in the body and can quickly become life threatening if not treated. The disease is a rare but life threatening condition caused by an infection. It can happen when using a menstrual cup or tampon or from an infected wound.

Wasser was put in a medically induced coma and she woke up 11 days later completely transformed. She was pumped with fluid and weighed 200 pounds, her hair was so tangled and had to be shaved off and her legs were black with gangrene, a serious condition where loss of blood supply causes body tissue or part to die.

Wasser woke up to overhear her mum talking about her having an above the knee amputation on her right leg and couldn’t believe it. She begged her mum not to allow the doctors amputate her but that was the only way to save her leg and stop the gangrene from spreading. A 24-year-old model and athlete without her legs seemed like the end of the world for Lauren. Her mum kissed her right leg in tears as she was wheeled away to the theatre where she had a below the knee amputation of the right leg. Three months later she was discharged from the hospital on a wheel chair.

Wasser was depressed and contemplated committing suicide as she didn’t know what to do with her life anymore. She spent eight months on a wheel chair before deciding to get a prosthetics when it became obvious that it was the only way she could be self dependent. At first, she didn’t like the stiff, medical looking prosthetics that were available and wanted her artificial legs to look like a jewelry. She always loved gold and decided to go for a golden prosthetic legs.

Meanwhile she was still in pains as her left leg was severely damaged and needed weekly care and surgeries. She was approaching 30 and finally decided to have her left leg amputated and according to her, was the best decision for her future.

Her partner still kept on taking pictures of her telling her how beautiful she looked with her golden prosthetics. This encouraged her to get back to modeling, started her modeling career from scratch chasing for gigs as there were no models with prosthetic limbs walking the walk way but she never gave up. She became accepted in the modeling industry as 'The Girl With The Golden Legs'.

Wasser has been honoured with the 'Model of the Year' award at Harper Bazaar’s Women of The Year Awards 2022. Speaking on her experience in a new interview for the magazine’s December/January issue, she said:

“I was in a hospital for three months, losing every part of myself physically, emotionally – I was just in this place of horror – and thinking that was it... I’m so proud of how far I’ve come and that I survived that time – that darkness. I had to endure so much pain and suffering... I’m proud that I didn’t give up and that I didn’t let it stop me from living my life.

“A tampon nearly killed me. If I hadn’t gone through the darkness, I wouldn’t be where I am now. The one thing I’ve learnt in this journey is to own what you may not like about yourself. Because if you accept it and you’re proud of it, nobody can say sh** about it. Just be you. That’s the most beautiful thing, because there’s only one of you,” Wasser said.

Life is not scripted, you can wake up one day and your life would just change dramatically and at that point, you have to make the decision to keep pushing. When life gives us lemons, just remember to make lemonades out of it, yes it’s easier said than done but decide never to give up on yourself no matter what!!!

Sources: Twitter @SportsDoctor2 | Independent

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