LATE REV. EMMAN-IMELEYE: 'Plus One Minus One' and the Call to Refocus on Christ

updated 11 Feb, 2024

The need for humanity to refocus on the essence of life was what dominated the sermon of Rev. Jerry Debby Oyegoke, the Mid-West Regional Coordinator of the Foursquare Gospel Church, during the funeral service of the Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emman-Imeleye Olufumilayo Bidemi Adetola that held in Benikrukru community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State on Friday, February 9, 2024.

The Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emman-Imeleye, who, until her sudden passing on January 7, 2024, was the wife of the Ekpan District Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church, Rev. (Dr.) Emmanuel Imeleye.

The funeral rites which began at the Foursquare Gospel Church in Ekpan on Wednesday, February 7 with an 'All-White Night of Praise/Tributes and on Thursday, February 8 with a Service of Songs ceremony, climaxed with the committal of the remains of Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emman-Imeleye to Mother Earth on Friday, February 9 in Benikrukru community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, hometown of her husband.

On the early morning of Friday, the remains of the deceased was conveyed from the Naval Hospital for a brief stopover at the Foursquare church in Ekpan before her final journey by boat from the Miller Waterfront near NPA, Warri, to Benikrukru.

In his message titled 'Plus One Minus One', Rev. Oyegoke who reminded guests in attendance at the funeral service that the message of his sermon was not meant for the dead but for those in said: "Plus One is the number of ceremonies you will attend, Minus One is the last one you will attend in a coffin. There is no man that will not die, death is inevitable."

Speaking further to his audience, Rev. Oyegoke added, "Death is not a respecter of age or status. It is a super champion that captures the righteous and the sinners. It is the best scriptural material that proves to you that all is vanity. When it is time to die everything that has been working for you before will stop. It is only untimely death that intercessory prayers can stop," he revealed.

Throwing more light on the topic, the Mid-West Regional Coordinator of the Foursquare Gospel Church listed to his audience what he regarded as facts about death, which are that death is a universal agent as it affects all humanity irrespective of age or status, it is unemotional in nature, it has the power to conceal and to expose, and that death creates a vacuum and shifts responsibilities.

"One, death is a universal agent. It's mark of agency is upon every man. When you pray and God answers your prayers, it is because God wants to honour you. If you pray and nothing happens, it doesn't change God from being God. Secondly, death is not emotional. Thirdy, death has the capacity to conceal and the ability to expose anything hidden. Fourthly, it creates vacuum and shifts responsibilities. I am here to tell you that one day your responsibilities will be shifted to another person. If you claim you own everything you are only deceiving yourself."

Rev. Oyegoke appealed to his audience to reflect on the essence of life which should be Christ-like so that on the day's end they will be confident to meet with their Maker and not lose out from His promises to the righteous. Moreover, that many should be able to share positive testimonies about their lives when they leave the Earth.

"Many have been giving many wonderful testimonies about Rev. (Mrs.) Adetola. By the time you leave what testimonies will people tell about you?" he queried.

Earlier, in the testimonial session, among those that spoke on the life of the Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emman-Imeleye include a family member, Dr. Alfred Mulade, the Registrar of the Nigeria Maritime University (NMU), Okerenkoko; an old school associate, Elder Edwin Esoko, the Public Relations Officer of Ginuwa Grammar School Gbokoda Old Student Association on behalf of the President Emeritus Sir Canaan Ajagbawa; the District Secretary of the Foursquare Gospel Church in Ekpan, Pastor Friday Ebakive; and a neighbour, Mrs. Helen Ebewele.

The final burial rites was attended by some leaders of Benikrukru community among whom are Chiefs Jeffrey Ojogun, Godwin Olufemi, Joseph Wuruyai, Piniki Azayei, Reuben Tonjoh, Paris Imoun, Julius Ogoba; Mr. Joel Tonjoh (chairman) among several others.

The remains of the Late Rev. (Mrs.) Emman-Imeleye was later taken to the graveside where the internment took place amidst tears from families and other sympathisers.

Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die." — 1: John 11:25-26 (NLT). May her gentle and golden soul rest peacefully in the Bosom of the Lord, and may her families and friends be comforted, Amen.

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