LATE PA. OKORO MEETING: Appreciation Message From Hon. Austin Tonfawei

updated 30 Mar, 2024

To the glory of the Almighty God (the Giver and Taker of life), the remains of my late reputable father-in-law, PA. OKORO UGWAKPEMI MEETING A.K.A. OSUMORU IKPOKPO, has been finally laid to eternal rest in the Bosom of the Creator, at Oporoza community in Gbaramatu Kingdom of Delta State, on Saturday, March 30, 2024.

I, HON. AUSTIN TONFAWEI, deem it fit to use this medium to reach out in appreciation, first, to the Almighty God, for the successful burial rites of my golden father-in-law who passed away at the age of 100 years. I am mostly grateful for His grace, mercies, protection and provisions before, during and after the ceremonies.

Secondly, I want to also appreciate the numerous guests from far and near who made out time from their busy schedules as well as expended resources to honour my late father-in-law with their invaluable presence and resources at the burial. Most specifically, on behalf of the family I appreciate all who supported financially, and by their acts of charity made the ceremony a huge success.

Thirdly, I salute the beloved members of the Christ Anglican Church (C.A.C), Oporoza, for the honour given my father-in-law and for their spiritual support to the family by way of prayers, which helped strengthen us to undertake the burial task.

Fourthly, I commend the good people of my dear Oporoza community for the blissful reception accorded the Okoro family during the burial ceremony. Your presence and support was massive and I am deeply touched by the show of love.

Lastly, I salute every family member of LATE PA. OKORO UGWAKPEMI MEETING for the display of unity, maturity, love and understanding before and during the course of the burial ceremony. I commend every one of you for your steadfastness and contributions.

While our father has gone to rest, it is now our responsibility to keep his legacies alive. It is therefore my prayers that the Almighty God will give us the strength to overcome our grief and build on his godly legacies. It is also my prayers that all those who stood by us in our sad moment, the Lord God will bless you all magnificently and cause joy (not tears) and celebration to be your portion in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you and God bless us all.


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