LATE DONATUS AKPO UKULI: One Year After, PENGlobal Pens Tribute to Iconic Legal Luminary

19 Apr, 2024

The bitter pill of death, once swallowed, cannot be regurgitated. The pit of death is never full, no matter how many souls it swallowed. More unfortunately is the fact that death itself is never tired of reaping human souls or feeding on them irrespective of time, age, profession, status, gender...; rather, it is always thirsty for more...

Today (April 19th) in 2023 was one of the darkest days in the Ukuli Family as well as close relatives and friends of the Late Donatus Akpo Ukuli Esq. Death itself wouldn't reason in itself that the young man was just freshly called to bar—a feat he celebrated with passion and pride. Not for anything else, but for the victory in defeating odd circumstances occasioned by his background in the creeks of the Niger Delta.

This was a young man who struggled against the odds. He was so determined to make his family, community, and kingdom proud. Raised in an environment lacking the basic infrastructures, he had hoped his children and the next generation wouldn't go through the ordeals he went through as he had dreams to be a solution to the age-long problems of neglect bedeviling his riverine communities.

As a young man, Donatus Ukuli delights in leadership, not out of pride or eye service, but an ambition to serve. He loved public service because he saw it as the only way he could make a large impact by contributing to community development. He also wanted to make a mark. This he demonstrated when he became the first elected president of the National Association of Gbaramatu Students (NAGS) in his ancestral kingdom, Gbaramatu, in the Warri South-West council area of Delta State.

Even in his community, Kokodiagbene, his determination to serve earned him various positions. Top among them is the General Secretary under the Chief (Comr.) Sheriff Mulade administration. His last held position before his passing in 2023 was the post of Education Committee chairman under the Comrade Pedro Bekenawei-led administration. Asides the education committee he was a member of the community's annual Amasuo-Ugeh Festival in 2022. I recall his energetic inputs at that ceremony despite the hitches towards making the ceremony a success.

I was fortunate to embark with him on some official visits to state academic administrators as the young barrister was burning with the passion to see to an end the drought of public teachers in the community school. He was determined to make a change. But yet again, death denied him of that ambition.

When PENGlobal as a business and social brand started operations, Donatus Ukuli Esq. was among the top two personalities that encouraged the brand. As a lover of media, this was not unexpected. We both discussed on the way forward and he had plans to make his contributions in no distant time. The young man believed more in action than mere talk. With his little resources he never hesitated to encourage the brand's growth, to the extent he showed keen interest on becoming a major stakeholder. But yet again, death is a cheater!

I, for one, was speechless when the news of his passing spread like wild fire in an harmattan season. Even though death is inevitable, his passing shook me up. At first, it was unbelievable! Even when I learnt of his critical condition days after his admission, I believed he would come through. It was just too early. But alas, death does not share such a sentiment or reasoning faculty. It takes without consideration, without guilt, without mercy.

Ever since his untimely departure I haven't penned down anything, not even a tribute because it was just unbelievably true. Now, after one year, behold it has been dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Donatus Akpo Ukuli Esq. is no more. Not out of his making, but forces beyond his and human control. And all that is now left of the vibrant young man are just memories.

Known as an understanding and compassionate fellow, Donatus Ukuli touched many lives in such a short space of time he lived. I'm quite sure and beyond confident too that he would've done much more. Yes, like every other human he wasn't perfect, but his good heart is such a large one that overshadows any shortcoming.

As you rest on until the day of the great reawakening, be rest assured that you're missed my brother, my friend. It's quite painful, but as we are told in the faith, in every situation we should give thanks to the Almighty God. It is He we can only hope on. Finally, it's Adieu!

CEO/Brand Director, PAL

#penglobalsocial #remembrance

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