LATE CAPT. YEINANAGBEGHA: God's Garden Must Be Beautiful and Other Tributes

updated 26 Nov, 2023

Three women-sympathisers held unto a middle-aged woman who constantly had tears flowing down her cheeks as she quietly muttered words conceived out of pain like a woman in labour. Another advanced woman, but with no one consoling her was on the bare floor wailing and occasionally pointing her fingers at the casket that had just been placed by the pall bearers in the decorated space made for it. Yet, other women could be seen in a silent mood of mourning but their composure was betrayed by the tears that rolled down their cheeks.

This was the mood that dominated the atmosphere on Friday, November 24, 2023, in Obotobo 1 community, Ogulagha Kingdom, in the Burutu Local Government Area of Delta State, the hometown of the Late Elder Capt. Johnson Yeinanagbegha, who passed away at the age of 67 years on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, LUTH.

Earlier in the day, the remains of the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha left the Venell Clinic mortuary in a casket to his hometown via Miller Waterfront near NPA, Warri. Later, after an hour's journey, at about 11:30am it arrived at the Obotobo 1 community concrete jetty from where another motorcade procession began, in company of family and other sympathisers, to his residence.

A social wake keep ceremony began in the evening with Isaba Abraham and his Izon musical band thrilled guests in attendance to melodic tunes, while at dawn, a brief Christian funeral service conducted by members of The Apostolic Church of Nigeria, TACN, was held in honour of the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha before his remains was committee to Mother Earth, amidst lamentations and weeping from families.

The Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha was born in 1956 on New Year's day to the family of Late Pa. Yeinanagbegha Sagha and Ajaringhan in Obotobo 1 community where he attended his primary school before proceeding to Burutu Grammar School to obtain his West African Secondary School Certificate.

In his pursuit of greener pastures, he relocated to Lagos and underwent various professional courses in pursuit of career in the marine industry. He worked with numerous marine companies from 1979 till when he passed away on August 2023, having been survived by wife, Mrs. Blessing Atutu Yeinanagbegha (nee Potoki) whom he married in 1980; and six children.

For those who knew the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha described him as "a lover of God, highly prayerful, a devout Christian with unmatched integrity, dedicated to the work of God and family, a humble soul and peacemaker par excellence, a man of honour and dignity, hardworking...a man of principle, a disciplinarian and a philanthropist" among other illuminating qualities. No wonder the heightened state of their grieving. While it is said that time is a healer, however, the hearts of those who are grieving at the loss of the deceased will take much longer time to heal.

"Upa as we fondly called you," began Tombra Johnson Ekakitie, daughter of the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha, in her tribute. "I raise my cap in honour and celebration of a life well spent; you dedicated your life serving God and doing good deeds...," and then capped it with the promise that "Your Christ-like legacy you left behind will be carried on by us."

For Iyadonha Patience Egbune, a daughter of the deceased, lamented "Upa, how do I even accept that you are gone? You made sure your kids don't go hungry, whatever we wanted you provided, you worked till the day you died to make sure we never lacked" while she also recalled how their departed father led them to Christ to ensure they served God diligently and granted their wish to have a view of the ocean which he granted them.

Another daughter, Ebikoboere Abigail Akpoyibo, listed the traits of "discipline, self-care, humility and resilience, reliable, loving husband, and my hero" that his late father possessed, and then concluded with a note of appreciation thus "To my amazing Dad (Upa), my hero, I want to say thank you for being there for us every step of the way."

A son of the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha, Miebi Emmanuel, praised his departed father for "always wanting me to do right by myself and others," a task that he said led to their "disagreeing to agree". He also thanked his late dad for always coming to his rescue "no matter the challenge" and "for your love, prater and care which you showered on me, I can never take it for granted," he promised.

The fourth daughter, Brakemi Mercy Johnson, drew strength from the fact that his late father loved her so much and ensured she lacked nothing, but noted that despite some people took his kindness for granted he still "drew them close with love and monetary gift," an action she confessed she hated, but a glowing act of his dad that was centered on the Christian trait of forgiveness. While she noted that his father departure "left a big hole in my heart" and "I never got the chance to express how much I appreciated you and all you've done for me" also said the death of his father was not fair.

Another son, Doubra Johnson, philosophically lamented the demise of his father in a lengthy tribute when he said, "God looked around his garden and found an empty space, then he looked down upon the earth and saw your tired face. He put His arms around you and lifted you to rest. God's garden must be beautiful, He only takes the best," while he confessed further that while "life has never been the same since your demise," the Lord Jesus should "please look for my dad and give him all my love," he pleaded emotionally.

On his part, Chief Linus Yeinanagbegha, a brother of the deceased confessed that he learnt the act of kindness from his departed brother when he said, "Your exemplary way of life taught me to understand that it is good to be good." He further praised the Late Capt. Yeinanagbegha that, "You are among the best brothers ever" and prayed that the Almighty “God bless you wherever you are.”

May his gente and golden soul rest in perfect peace.

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