LATE ARCH. CHIEF PINIKI AZAIYE: 'Your impact will resonate for a lifetime' — Wife, Mrs. Hannah echoes in Touching Tribute

updated 11 Oct, 2024

Mrs. Hannah Piniki, one of the wives of the Late Architect Chief Piniki Azaiye Duwogbegha, among others who paid tributes, has poured out her thoughts in what could be described as a heart rendering tribute to her beloved husband who passed away in Warri, Delta State, at the age of 56 years on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.

Mrs. Piniki in her tributes titled 'In Loving Memory of my Husband' grappled to come to terms with the unbelievable death of the Ganpamowei of Gbaramatu Kingdom whom she described as "my father, my husband, my brother."

The Late Architect Chief Piniki Azaiye Duwogbegha

The tribute opened with her words of lamentations: "My dear husband, I don’t know whether you have left me. I can’t believe you are no more with me but I know God knows best for us," and further continued, "I don’t know how to describe what you are to me, but I know you are my father, my husband, my brother" as she tried to find the right words to paint a picture of her departed husband to readers.

Lamenting further in her state of agony, she confessed, "the cap you put on my head has been taken away by the people of the world. I always pray that whatever has happened you will always be in my heart," and then she continued in an attempt to once again describe her beloved departed husband thus, "You are a man of truth, a man of your word, a man that I cannot express who you are to me; a caring man, a man of love, a man of dignity; you have been part of me in life. I don’t know what to do; you are the only one cherished and loved; this untimely death will not come close to this family or your kids again," she prayed.

However, in her state of grief, she showered her appreciation to her beloved husband for being the backbone of the family, but yet her grief crept in as she agonised in the fact that he left too soon at 56. "We thank God for your love and care towards us all. In the tapestry of life, some threads shine brighter than others. Yours was a luminous thread, vibrant and full of warmth, weaving joy and love into every moment we shared. At just 56, you were taken from us far too soon, leaving an ache in my heart that words can scarcely capture."

Mrs. Hannah Azaiye Piniki (R)

On their loving relationship she revealed, "You were more than my husband; you were my partner, my confident, and my greatest supporter. With every laugh we shared, each challenge we faced together, and every quiet moment spent in each other’s company; you carved out a space in my heart that will forever echo with the memories of your love."

And while they shared a passionate relationship, Mrs. Piniki was also aware of her beloved husband's passion for sharing kindness to all he met. This she confirmed when she said, "Your kindness touched everyone you met. You had a remarkable ability to make people feel seen and valued. Whether it was a friend in need or a stranger on the street, your compassion knew no bounds."

On her late husband's philosophy in life, she revealed, "You had a gift for finding joy in the simple things—be it a walk in nature, a good book, or a shared meal. You taught me to appreciate the beauty in the ordinary, to find delight in small moments, and to cherish every breath we take. Your laughter was infectious; it could light up the darkest day. I can still hear it, a melody that lingers in my mind, reminding me of the happiness you brought into my life. Your smile could brighten the heaviest of hearts, and in your eyes I found a love that was unwavering and true."

Mrs. Hannah Piniki (M) during the Service of Songs

More importantly, Mrs. Piniki consoled herself on the fact that her late husband achieved greatness at such a young age. "Though your time here was cut short, the impact you made will resonate for a lifetime," she said, and added, "Your legacy lives on in your family, in the values you instilled, and in the love you shared. I find comfort in the memories we created—the adventures we embarked upon, the dreams we chased, and the quiet evenings spent wrapped in each other’s arms."

As she wrapped up her tribute, she consoled herself with the proclamation, "As I navigate this world without you, I hold your spirit close, carrying pieces of you with me in everything I do. I find strength in the lessons you taught me. The love we shared and the hope that one day we will be reunited. You may have left this earthly realm, but your light continues to shine in the hearts of all who knew you. Thank you for being my husband, my love and my greatest gift. You will always be cherished, always be missed, and forever be loved. Rest peacefully my dear, until we meet again."

Mrs. Ufuoma Azaiye Piniki (M)

Also paying her tribute, the second wife, Mrs Ufuoma Piniki, in her brief final message to her husband said, "My lovely husband, though you have crossed the threshold into eternity, you will always and forever hold the better part of my life. I will forever remember and love you even though I know your departure left all of us confused here in the world of hatred. One thing I know, you have done your best by keeping the family together. I promise you to also keep the unity growing. My dear beloved husband I was pained deeply up till this moment. Cry won’t bring you back, how which tears will bring you back I will cry a river of tears to bring you back to me. I love you and I miss you till we meet again in eternity," she added.

Those from the family of the Ganpamowei who also paid tributes include the children (Ebisinde Azaiye, Pinasinde Azaiye, Elohor Azaiye), Hon. Beauty Warejouwei, Mr. Timothy Ebikeme, Maghoromi Ebiere Beauty, among others.

Families of the late Architect Chief Piniki Azaiye Duwogbegha

The late architect was laid to rest in Oporoza community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, on Thursday, October 10, 2024, amidst tears.

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