GBARAMATU: This victory is for all — GYC President Egbejule Kingsley tells Stakeholders, Promises to Fulfill Manifestoes

02 Mar, 2024

The newly elected president of the Gbaramatu Youths Development Association popularly known as the Gbaramatu Youth Council (GYC) Worldwide, Mr. Egbejule Kingsley, has described the just concluded election in Oporoza community and that produced him as youth president, as a victory for all candidates and youths of Gbaramatu Kingdom in the Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State.

Mr. Egbejule was declared winner of the election as president of the GYC by the Electoral Committee chairman, Mayor Ipopo Present, who announced the collared results from the exercise on the morning of Saturday, March 2.

While announcing the results, Mayor Ipopo said, "Having completed the voting process, sorting and counting, the final result is, we have a total of 50 delegates that cast their votes in the election. Out of the 50, six votes were invalid votes while we recorded 44 as valid votes.

"From the 44 valid votes, the three contestants, the number one person Ikenya Wisdom scored 15 votes, Osuokoro Daniel scored one vote, while Kingsley Egbejule scored 28 votes.

"Having recorded the success of this GYC 2024cElection, I declare Comr. Kingsley Egbejule the winner and the president of the GYC 2024 Election," he added.

In his acceptance speech, Mr. Egbejule promised to run an all-inclusive government and will involve fellow contestants on issues where their knowledge could help fasttrack the advancement of the youth body.

In his words, "The sole aim of every election is to constitute an authority that will preside over the affairs of the electorates. The elected may not be the best of the candidates but once power has been bestowed on him, it becomes the responsibility of all other contestant and the electorates to throw their support, ideas and knowledge behind the elected to build a stronger Gbaramatu Youth Council (GYC).

"I believe, this was not a win over any other aspirant that vied for the position of a president in the just concluded election but rather a win for all. In my own capacity, I will ensure everybody who contested this election will be consulted appropriately at every given opportunity to seek their counsel on a matter that their value can solve and attend to.

"On this note, I will extend my sincere gratitude to the election committee, stakeholders and predecessors for conducting a free and fair election where the mandate of the people was more important than our personal ambitions and dreams.

"Finally, I want to assure the youths in Gbaramatu Kingdom that, this victory is for the less privileged, under privileged and the privileged. To you it was power you gave me tonight to represent the youths but I believe it was also your voices that are now fused in my voice to canvass positive change that will transcend into development of our kingdom.

"As you all know, I do not come to speak words in length, I came to represent my words by action and from this day, the journey has started and you can start anticipating all the promises that is inscribed in my manifesto with diligence and sincerity," he vowed.

Other newly elected executive members of GYC are Mr. Stephen Uyas (Vice President), Mr. Erike Rapheal (Secretary General), Miss Theresa Tolar (Assistant Secretary), Mr. Wuruyai Maxwell (Public Relations Officer, PRO), Miss Onitsha Evidence (Financial Secretary), Miss Bolei Seiyefa (Treasurer), Mr. Kpadowei Kelvin (Chief Organizer) and Mr. Godswill Uroju (Assistant Chief Organizer).

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