FUNERAL: God's General, Most Rev. Fr. Prt. Dr. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibo Goes Home To Eternal Rest

updated 10 Apr, 2024

It was a celebration of life at the funeral service of the 120 years old Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor, the spiritual leader and founder of Fia-fia Zion in Opuede Federated Community, Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, whose remains was laid to eternal rest on Saturday morning, April 6, 2024.

Born 120 years ago, precisely in 1904 at Olukperebu in Gbaramatu Kingdom into the families of Late Pa. Jemibor Okosu and Late Mama Oduduru Okotie, the Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor hailed paternally from Ebitobo Quarters of Gbekebor in Burutu LGA, Ode Quarter of Opuede in Gbaramatu Kingdom, and maternally from Kenbai Quarter of Oporoza in Gbaramatu Kingdom, all in Delta State, Nigeria.

On Friday, April 5, the remains of the Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor was conveyed from the Ameh Specialist Clinic mortuary via Miller Waterfront to his hometown Opuede for a lying-in-state and a social wake-keep ceremony in Fia-Fia Zion, with Izon highlife musician Chief Kingsley Takemebo and his music band entertaining guests in attendance.

The Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor, who is described as "a good example of a true Christian" and "was a true prophet of God whom God used to bring deliverance and salvation to many lives", is an iconic spiritual leader whose exploits could be described as a revival in Gbaramatu Kingdom.

According to his biography, he had the privilege to acquire formal education by his attending Standard School at Ugborodo from where he got Standard Six certificate, before he joined his parents back home in Opuede.

On his journey into Christianity, the Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor, by providence, was standing outside the church founded by St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe (of blessed memory) and listening to his preaching God's Word in Opuede.

Earlier, in 1952, St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe, the founder of New Jerusalem Zion, Oporoza, and Pa. Fineman Ibime were friends. And through their friendship, St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe founded a church in Opuede main town and he made Pa. Fineman Ibime as the acting leader to head the newly founded church. During a service, St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe had given a prophecy that the person who will finally head the church as a prophet of God will come someday.

And so, on that fateful day when St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe was ministering while the service was going on, he quoted a Bible verse but there was nobody to read it for him. It was at that moment that St. Pa. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor stepped into the church auditorium and read the Bible verse for him. And while he was reading the Bible, the Holy Spirit ministered to St. Prt. Elijah Brakoru Ubebe immediately “that this is the chosen one who will lead God’s people as a prophet of God.”

That was how the Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor,gave his life to Christ Jesus and immediately the Holy Spirit gave him utterance and he began to give prophecies and many miracles happened that same day to the glory of God. The members that worshipped with him in Opuede main town back then, as captured in hos biography, are: Late Pa. Niko Jemibor, Pa. Faraju Ibime, Late Pa. Tewo Iyanyah, Late Mama Kari Ibime, Late Mama Alemi Ibime, Late Mama Aputu Fineman, Mama Felicia Faraju, Oguda Akpasibewei, Koyi Tortor, Maye Shedrach, Late Pa. Onu Ibime aka Bobo Ijo, Ajogbenewei Koruwei, Akafawei Wuruya, Iselese, Shuwah Awowo, Sunday Johnny Dogood.

While the Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor was worshipping in Opuede main town, the Holy Spirit ministered to him that "this is not the place of your worship. I will show you where you will go and worship me." In 1970, the Holy Spirit led him to an evil forest which was called Okurukuru Igbo where no one stepped into because the place was used for the killing of twins. But the Holy Spirit of God spoke to him saying “Go and mark the land with palm frond” and he sanctified the land. 

The Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor made a covenant prayer with God that “O God in Heaven, people said that anybody that comes into this land will die. O God if that is why people will not come to this land, let the death kill me” and he decreed with Ezekiel 37:4-5 saying “All ye dry bones hear the Word of the Lord.” The three Cherubims that followed him then were Ajagbenewei, Ade, and Showboy.

The Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor served God immensely and faithfully even in the main community before he finally founded Fia-Fia Zion. He was ordained as an Apostle by His Holiness Rt. Rev. Dr. Ruben Ukawa in the year 1983, the founder and spiritual head of Holy Messsiah C&S Church Worldwide Arun-Owun National Headquarter, Delta State. Throughout all his years of service to God, he never brought any shame upon his person or the body of Christ.

His attitude towards humanity was very good. He was a father loved by his children and everyone around him. Everyone called him Dada because he was kind hearted and a cheerful giver. He showed sincerity to both young and old; he was a mentor to many; he impacted so many lives and he was a good example of a true Christian. He was a true prophet of God whom God used to bring deliverance and salvation to many lives.

God’s own general, the Late Most Rev. Fr. Dr. Prt. Apst. Ezekiel Omatie Jemibor passed on to eternal glory after a brief illness, to the Will of God, on the 1st of February 2024. He is survived by two wives, 10 children, 57 grandchildren, 17 great grandchildren, a sister and many relatives. May his gentle soul rest in the Bosom of the Lord.

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