EDUCATION: Riverine Student Body Embarks on Academic Empowerment Campaign

updated 22 Jan, 2024

Despite being an oil producing territory, pupils and students attending state government schools in riverine Gbaramatu Kingdom in the Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, have continued to grapple with the challenges of acquiring quality education prompted not only by the lack of learning materials but also shortages of teachers, an issue that has lingered for many decades with barely any improvements or meaningful intervention from the government.

In a bid to ease the challenges of learning, albeit temporarily, a group of stakeholders in the academic sector under the umbrella body of the National Association of Gbaramatu Students, NAGS, as led by its President Comr. Simon Douye, led fellow executives as they embarked on a two-day visit to 10 riverine schools across seven communities in Gbaramatu Kingdom, from Thursday, January 18 to Friday, January 19, 2024.

The communities and schools visited are: Jei Jei Primary School, Kurutie; Oge Primary School, Kunukunuma; Fiyewei Primary School and Gbaraun Grammar School, Oporoza; and Ugborugbo Primary School, Opuede, on day one.

Others are Okerenkoko Primary School and Okerenkoko Secondary School, Okerenkoko; Ebiabu Primary School and Kokodiagbene Model Secondary School, Kokodiagbene; and Benikrukru Nursery School and Oboro Primary School, Benikrukru, on day two.

"This outreach is aimed at extending support to the local educational institutions and fostering a culture of academic empowerment," said NAGS President, Comr. Douye, during the visits, adding further that "These visits demonstrate the association's unwavering commitment to the educational development of the region."

In the course of the visits, the student association distributed old school textbooks voluntarily contributed to the educational body by members, and writing materials among other incentives to pupils and students of the riverine schools visited.

"The program is not limited to the mere distribution of old textbooks and writing materials," noted Comr. Douye during the exercise, as he explained further that "Instead, it encompassed a comprehensive assessment and orientation to the students in the educational landscape within Gbaramatu Kingdom.

"This evaluation underscored the prevalent challenges faced by the schools, including shortage of teachers and inadequate teaching materials, albeit with inherent potential. Such findings reinforced the need for substantial support to uplift these institutions, encompassing essential resources such as whiteboard markers and other indispensable teaching equipment," he added.

Though the project was only a relief in the immediate term, the pupils and students were however delighted at the succour the gifts from NAGS brought to them, especially as it would go a long way in assisting parents who could not afford procuring learning materials for their wards.

Towing that line of thought, and in response to those critical observations, Comr. Douye revealed that, "the National Association of Gbaramatu Students has pledged its steadfast support to the schools within the Kingdom. This commitment encompasses the provision of essential teaching materials, requisite training, and all-encompassing resources that are indispensable for rendering quality education accessible to every student."

The student body through its spirited efforts "firmly believed that by fostering collaborative efforts, a transformative impact can be achieved, fortifying the educational framework of Gbaramatu Kingdom and securing a promising future for its students," NAGS President affirmed.

But asides the provision of learning materials, the issue of shortages of government teachers have prompted some communities to employ private teachers to bridge the gap. However, the scarcity of funds to pay these private teachers has posed a huge challenge for many communities as some could not sustain the initiative. PENGlobal had also reported that the challenges faced by government teachers in the riverine areas have resulted in most teachers striving to re-work their postings from riverine schools or refused to resume duties there.

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