EDO/ONDO: IYC condemns Apoi killing, calls for calm in Okomu

10 Jun, 2024

The Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, Western Zone, has condemned the gruesome murder of a native of Apoi clan in Ese Odo local government area of Ondo State, Mr. Toyo, allegedly by its Irele (Ikale) neighbours over a farmland ownership tussle, while it also called on the government and security agencies to ensure that justice is served.

The IYC made the pronouncement in a press statement it released on Monday, June 10, and that was signed by its zone chairman, Comrade Nicholas Igarama; Secretary, Ebi Joshua Olowolayemo Esq., and Information Officer, Comrade Tare Magbei.

Part of the statement reads: "The Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) Western Zone condemns in strong term the heinous act of annihilating one of our own, Mr. O. Toyo by their Irele (Ikale) neighbours over a farmland ownership tussle.

"Mr. O. Toyo was ambushed and killed while working on his farm in an unprintable manner. Until his murder, Mr. O. Toyo was a peace loving man from Igbobini Town in Apoi Clan of the Western Zone.

"The callous act of taking the life of an Ijaw man is unacceptable to us as Council and ethnic nationality. The zone is pained, to avoid taking laws into our hands which would amount to break down of law and order.

"We therefore call on Ondo State government and all relevant security formations to fish out the assailants, for justice to be served so as to prevent any reprisal attacks. An injury to an Ijaw man anywhere is injury to Ijaw man everywhere," it added.

The Western Zone youth body also called on Ijaws in Okomu, Ovia South-West local government area of Edo State, to maintain law and order as peaceful people while security agencies should investigate the true state of the situation as well as restore normalcy.

"We also use this medium to call for calm and peace in Okomu over the reported breakdown of law and order in the community caused by suspected hoodlums.

"Furthermore, we call on security authorities to investigate and unravel the true state of things and seek ways to restore law and orderliness in Okomu.

"Ijaws are peaceful people. And by this we call on our brothers across the zone to always maintain peace and to not be found wanting against the law," it appealed.

#penglobalcommunity #IYC 

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