COUNCILLOR: Comr. Ebizi Emerges PDP flagbearer in Okerenkoko ward, greets stakeholders

updated 22 May, 2024

Comr. Sinwa Aaron Ebizi, an aspirant vying for the position of councillor in Okerenkoko Federated Community Ward 19, Gbaramatu Kingdom, Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, has thanked former deputy governor Kingsley Otuaro and the current speaker in the Delta State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Guwor, among other stakeholders, for adopting him as the councillorship flag-bearer in the People's Democratic Party, PDP, ahead of the LG polls in the State.

Comr. Ebizi, who made the development known in an appreciation note made available to PENGlobal Politics through his Whatsapp on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, promised to give his best as a grassroots representative of the ward in the Council.

Part of his appreciation message reads:

"I, Comr. Sinwa Aaron Ebizi, sincerely and from the bottom of my heart, thank the following Okerenkoko Federated Community leaders of repute: Dcn. Barr. Kingsley Burutu Otuaro, the former Deputy Governor of Delta State; Rt Hon. Emomotimi Dennis Guwor, Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly; Hon. George Ekpemupolo, former Chairman of Warri South-West LG Council, Ogbe-Ijoh.

"I also thank Apst. German Ebierede (JP), Dr. Paul Bebenimibo, High Chief P. T. Heaven (JP), Dcn. Ernest Bebenimibo, Hon Thankgod Seibi, Hon. Chief Vero Tangbowei (JP), Hon. Akpos Oturubo Hon. Chief Simeon Bebenimibo, Chief Fezigha Odu, Hon Collins Miyemene Oturubo, Hon Bethus Emmanuel, Hon (Mrs) Ebi Tonjoh, Engr Ebikonde Sokoto, and Hon Famous Ololobo, among others.

"I am indeed humbled for the privilege given me by these leaders, who in their golden treasure-based of wisdom, found it befitting to single me out among other aspirants from Okerenkoko Federated Community that are vying for the position of councillor in the Warri South-West Local Government Council in Delta State.

"This decision has further placed a more burden on me as a suitable candidate that is tested and trusted for quality grassroots representation, and I promise, by the special grace of God, that I will not let my leaders and the people of my constituency down.

"I promise to give the best of my best and to work hard as the people's representative for the prosperity of our ward and the Gbaramatu Kingdom at large.

"Once again, I say 'Thank You' for your support and the confidence you all have reposed in me by choosing me as the representative of the ward and the people. Gof bless us all, Amen!"

#penglobalpolitics #Okerenkoko

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