BIRTHDAY: Hon. Powede Writes His Beloved 'Ayoro', Mrs. Ese Powede, a Heart Touching Congratulatory Notes
I, HON. POWEDE UYADONGHAN, the immediate-past executive chairman of Kokodiagbene community in Gbaramatu Kingdom, awoke with glad tidings on this 10th day of August 2023 to the remarkable Birth Anniversary of a wonderful personality in my life, my most precious darling wife that is ever new (Ayoro), my best friend, my confidant, and my sweet mummy, MRS. ESE POWEDE.
If it were in the days of our forefathers, I would have gone fishing in the deep early morning and return home to you with the biggest catch as the most priceless Birthday gift. But alas, in this advanced civilized age where technology rules over almost everything, that fish has become a mouthwatering cake and a surprise gathering of friends, families and other well wishers to share in your joy.
My Ayoro, I congratulate you on your special day today. I can't thank God for anything other than you, being my wife, which is the best of the good things that has happened to me. It is therefore my sincere prayers that we will both grow old in good health, live to enjoy the fruits of our labours in peace, and prosper abundantly in all that we lay our hands upon so that our joy will know no limit.
Thank you for always being there for me and the kids. Your role is not only that of a wife, but also a mother to me. Afterall, no man can exist without mothers. May more celebrations be not only yours but ours, for when I celebrate you, I celebrate us because what touches one, touches the other.
Have fun today my Ayoro and be happy. Smile and laugh, dance and if possible, do some acrobatic display, but don't break no bones (just a joke anyway). Life is more precious. I love you and I celebrate you. Congratulations my ever loving wife. Cheers!
Your Darling Husband & Former Executive Chairman Kokodiagbene Community
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