BIRTHDAY: Happy Birth Anniversary to My Treasured Hubby, Mr. Ark Selegha

22 Jan, 2024

In the mood of celebration and with Thanksgiving to the Almighty God for His precious gift of life, I, MRS. TIMI ZIBOR SELEGHA, celebrate my beloved treasured darling husband, MR. ARK SELEGHA, as he turns plus one on this graceful Monday, the 22nd day in January 2024.

My love, may your days on Earth be long and be bright as the stars in the skies. May the Lord grant you your heart's desires for good and cause His Light of favour to outshine every darkness in your paths as you live each day for the glory of His name in Jesus name, Amen.

Thank you for being there for me and the family as a wonderful husband and best friend. Congratulations on your Birthday.

Loving Wife

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