APPRECIATION: The Amasisetuwapere 1, Engr. & Mrs. Kudos Ogelegbanwei Note of Thanks

06 Dec, 2023

We, Engr. & Mrs. Kudos Ogelegbanwei, begin our note of thanks to the Almighty God, who in His wisdom forged us together as husband and wife. We thank Him for the success recorded at our traditional marriage on Thursday, November 30, and wedding including the reception ceremony on Sunday, December 3, 2023. We couldn't have done it without His mercies, blessings and grace over us.

Secondly, we salute all of our numerous guests who honoured us with their presence by making out time from their busy schedules and also expended other resources to make our joy full like the ocean.

Particularly, we appreciate the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly representing Warri South-West Constituency, Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Dennis Guwor, who joined us in the celebration of our union. Knowing how busy you are, by virtue of your honourable office, we say THANK YOU for your invaluable presence and show of love.

Also, all the women groups in their large numbers, you all added colours to the ceremony. We wish we can rewind back the hands of time to re-experience it all over again. Your presence no doubt played a unique role on our day and your numerous gifts are well received. We appreciate your esteemed presence and say THANK YOU.

We are also grateful to the Eagle Wings Gospel Church Int'l under the spiritual leadership of Pastor Murphy Zibimoghan, for the warm reception accorded us as well as for the prayers, support and counsel. We are grateful and we say THANK YOU.

Lastly, to all of our family members we say THANK YOU for your moral and other support to ensure the ceremonies were a huge success.

It is our utmost prayers that as you celebrate with us, so too the Almighty God will cause many to rejoice with you at your own time, replenish you all abundantly and grant you your hearts' desires in Jesus name, Amen.

Husband & Wife

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