APPRECIATION: Thank You For Making Our Day Colourful — Blessing & Precious

12 Dec, 2023

From the depths of our heart, we, Comr. & Mrs. Blessing Laide (Egbengben), are grateful to the Almighty God for making the day of our marriage a reality and a blessing. Truly, as the scripture says, he who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favour from God. We have indeed being favoured by God who made every provisions possible despite the economic downturn in our nation, as well as granted us favourable weather and protection.

We also express our gratitude to the General Overseer of the Christ Practitioners Church (CPC), Pastor Steven Ken, and all the members of the vineyard of God, for the hospitable reception during our wedding ceremony, and for the counsel and prayers for a successful and blessed union.

Our appreciation won't be complete without thanking the chairman of the ceremony, Dr. Paddy Iyamu Emmanuel; the chairman of Kokodiagbene community, Amb. Pedro Bekenawei; all Kokodiagbene and Gbaramatu Kingdom notable chiefs as well as women and youths, our Warri South-West local government council honourables among other high ranking guests whose names are endless. To all friends and well-wishers who honoured us with their presence also and every other person who expended time and other resources, we say THANK YOU.

We are also grateful to Prince Abraham and his Ijaw United Brothers Band of Africa for the superlative performance in entertaining our guests. Also to MC Abioka and MC Be The Delight, to Lovely Oven for the beautiful tasty cake whose design is packed with doses of traditional interpretations, and even the decorators of the venue for a job well done.

To our family members, the Grebi's and the Laide's, we salute every one of you for your support and prayers toward the success of our marriage. We are also grateful for your presence which added smiles on our faces.

It is our sincere prayers that celebration will continue in each and every one of our lives as we wish us all more favours in Jesus name, Amen.

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