APPRECIATION: A Worthy Note of Thanks from the Children of Late Mrs. Edith Tulumawo Oluwayomi Humphrey Kabe (Nee Ukugha)

26 Jun, 2024

We are most grateful to the Almighty God for the successful burial ceremony of our late lovely mother, MRS. EDITH TULUMAWO OLUWAYOMI HUMPHREY KABE (Nee UKUGHA) in Egbema Kingdom, Warri North Local Government Area of Delta State.

Mama has been laid to rest within a very short period of time but it wouldn't have been made possible without the contributions and immense support that we received from our leaders, friends, and family far and near, as well as from our dear Opuama community in general during our moment of grief.

Though her death was sudden, we received such unfathomable shower of love, affection and support from those who stood solidly behind us without hesitation, and made it easy for us. While it is indeed a trying moment for us, nonetheless we were strengthened, encouraged, and found comfort in the prayers and words of consolation from friends and other sympathisers.

It is on that note that we express our profound gratitude to everyone who made it possible for us to lay Mama to rest peacefully. To identify each one of you by name would be an impossible task because of the overwhelming support. Once again we are grateful and thank you for sharing in our moment of grief in the irreplaceable loss of our lovely mother.

Our appreciation also goes to the Opuama Baptist Church family, members of Egbema OPUDIS HCDT, and the good and wonderful people of Opuama and Opuama bloc of communities, and Polobubo community both home and in the diaspora. Your unquantifiable show of love has given us the reason not to be shattered nor broken but to be strong.

Thank you and we are grateful for your massive support. May Almighty God bless all your endeavors, protect and preserve you in Jesus name (Amen).

For the Children

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