63RD INDEPENDENCE: Nigeria Needs Structural Re-engineering — CIEN

updated 01 Oct, 2023

A non-governmental organization, the Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities, CIEN, has posited that Nigeria requires structural re-engineering to correct the country's problems which it said were foundational as reflected in its “weak governance structures, ethno-religious conflicts, inequality, and inequitable power relations" that it further revealed have exacerbated the country's situation "leaving a trail of perennial crisis, ethnic distrust, and social unrest in their wake”.

The CIEN made its stand known in a statement congratulating Nigerians on the 63rd independence anniversary that was jointly signed by the president of the Ijaw National Congress, INC, Prof. Benjamin Okaba, and 15 other representatives of various ethnic nationalities in the country, on Friday, September 29, 2023.

According to the ethnic group, such an approach, which it declared throws up the need for a new Constitution for the country, became necessary if Nigeria as a country is to continue as an indivisible nation.

While offering solutions to the country's myriad problems, the CIEN pointed out in the statement that, “The new constitution should revert Nigeria to a symmetric federal structure with a guarantee of equal representation to all regions and equitable distribution of power that ensures the rights of every Nigerian irrespective of population size of the region, or of place of birth or faith”.

Also, according to the body, “109 years after amalgamation of diverse ethnic nationalities of various sizes, cultures and aspirations and 63 years after independence, Nigeria is still unable to live together in harmony or accept a common national identity," adding further that "It is time we write a new Constitution with the expressed consent of and owned by the people; for regions to form a symmetric federation of equal status and with a weak centre.

"The new constitution should determine relationships between the regions and how the nation is to be governed. There should be a proper delineation of regional and international boundaries. The regions should determine their governance structure and enshrine the same in their own constitution," it said

The body further added that, ”Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities, CIEN, believes that a restructured Nigeria along the above-stated principles will assist in overcoming our historical obstacles and forge a path toward uplifting indigenous communities economically, providing them with the resources and opportunities needed for sustainable development.

“Indigenous people should be constitutionally empowered by the regions to develop, control, and use their lands and natural resources”, the CIEN 8nsisted, and added, “The right to regulate the entry of migrants, the right to stay in the territories, and the right to claim parts of ancestral land previously reserved for various purposes except those reserved and intended for common and public welfare and service should revert to the people."

The ethnic body further noted that this year’s independence celebration provided an opportunity to “re-examine and decide on the relationship the ethnic nationalities want with each other and chart a new path for peace and prosperity rather than continue to suffer in this debilitatingly unproductive relationship.”

While congratulating Nigerians on the 63rd independence anniversary, it said, ”We, the Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities (CIEN) express our deep concern for the indigenous peoples of Nigeria," and stressed that "this year’s independence is a call for introspection,”  it said.


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