5 YEARS IN MIND: In Loving Memorial of Late Engr. John Uttoh Bekenawei Rtd. AKA Old Soldier

25 Feb, 2024

Today (Sunday, the 25th day of February 2024) makes it five long vacuum years that your absence, caused by your death, has remained unfilled in our lives. It has also been 60 months of missing you as a father, brother, uncle, grandfather...

Yes, it has been 43,800 hours in the last five years since you went asleep, never to be awoken. But yet, we still wish you would one day rise up and never depart from our lives again. Indeed, one of the harrowing pains of death is missing you.

Today, as we, your children and other family members, fondly remembers you, the Late Engr. John Uttoh Bekenawei rtd popularly known as Old Soldier, we struggle to positively live by your good standards and to keep alive your unforgotten identity.

Moreover, we have hope in the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ whom we await on Resurrection Day when the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall live again. We therefore look ahead to such a glorious moment. But until then, we pray your soul continues to rest peacefully in the Bosom of the Lord Almighty, Amen.

We will always love you and fondly miss you.

Fondly remembered by the children and family members.

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