10TH BIRTHDAY: Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ukuli Celebrate Daughter, Tarela Vincent Ukuli

16 Oct, 2023

It was all fun for the family of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ukuli on Sunday, October 15, when the native of Kokodiagbene community in Gbaramatu Kingdom were joined by other well-wishers to mark the 10th Birthday celebration of one of their children, Miss Tarela Vincent Ukuli, in New Layout, Warri.

For the teenage 10-year-old celebrant whose aspiration in the future is to become a medical doctor comes true as part of her wish, she will not only be saving lives but would be the first from among her siblings to hold that record.

The high point of the celebration climaxed when the celebrant, a lover of mathematics and the star of the day, was filled with excitement as other teenage guests chorused the spelling of J-E-S-U-S aloud as she cut her cake.

Earlier, some of the children at the party had put up a dance competition as part of the fun to spice up the Birthday party and to add to the excitement of the celebrant as well as other guests in attendance.

"I am so happy and grateful to mom and dad for organising a Birthday party for me," said Miss Tarela, full of smiles. "I thank all my friends and everyone who came to celebrate with me too," she stuttered further in a brief interactive session.

"We thank God for making this day possible," said her parents. "It is our own way of making her happy as well as other teenage kids that came to be a part of the celebration.

"We also look forward to more of such celebration and thanked family members, friends, neighbours and other well-wishers who joined us. God bless them all," they prayed.

Among other highlights at the celebration include group photograph session and refreshment of guests.

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