ETERNAL REAL ESTATE: Mexico Church Sells Plots of Land Situated in Heaven

28 Jun, 2024

Did you know that a Mexico church is helping people prepare for eternity by selling them plots of land situated in Heaven?

According to Emily Brown, in a report published in the Relevant Magazine, a Christian Church of Spanish-Portuguese heritage in Mexico is selling plots of land located in Heaven to those desirous of preparing for eternity. 

The pastor of the the Church of End Time, Entoms, who claims to have received “permission from God” in 2017 to sell lands that are in Heaven, said the church is offering heavenly real estate for the simple price of $100 per square meter.

Pictures of the offer have been circulating on social media, showing a brochure with an elaborate depiction of a holy house in the clouds. 

The illustration features a family ascending a golden staircase to their new celestial home. The brochure also clarifies that the church accepts various payment options, including PayPal, Google Pay, Visa, Mastercard and American Express, as well as available payment plans.

The Christian church has been trending online after it announced the sale of plots of land in Heaven.

On X (formerly Twitter), a user that goes by the name My Mixtapez @mymixtapez in a post on June 23, 2024, wrote: "The pastor says he spoke to God and he was granted permission to do this. They have already collected thousands of dollars."

One real estate influencer on TikTok also asserted that millions of dollars worth of these heavenly plots have already been sold in what is being called the “biggest real estate deal on the planet.”

Unfortunately, this is not the first instance of someone attempting to sell real estate in Heaven. In 2018, a Zimbabwean pastor was arrested after selling “tickets to heaven” to his congregation for $533 per person. Similarly, last year, an Ugandan pastor persuaded many of his followers to liquidate their assets, including land and livestock, to fund their eternal purchases.

Source: Relevant Magazine


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